Chapter 18: Help

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Adora's P.O.V
"I don't care! I'm going in there!" "No Adora, you don't even know where she is!"

I kept pacing in front of the portal. Portal time could go by faster then real world time. Or slower. But- no. Catra has already been in the portal for 30 minutes.

I couldn't take it anymore. "I. Am. Going. In. Don't try to stop me." I said as I ran into the portal before Tiger or Noah could say anything.


I got up. "Bright Moon?" I asked myself. I felt the spot next to me in search of Catra. She wasn't there. "That's weird." I said to myself. I got up to look in Bow and Glimmer's room. They weren't there either.

"Something isn't right." Then it hit me. Catra. Portal. She's stuck in here trying to save the Queen.

I looked outside the window to see a bright light in the sky. I ran as fast as I could out of the castle. Without me slipping every second I ran, I probably would've gotten there sooner, but I got there.

"Your Majesty, we have to get you out of here!" I heard someone yelling. I could only assume it was Catra. I started to walk towards her voice as fast as I could against the wind. It was so strong.

"Catra!" I yelled out for her. It was so bright. It must've been Angella. "Adora!" Catra called back. I pushed as hard as I could against the wind and I saw a figure in the light. I saw Catra's tail through the light. I went to her and I had to yell for her to hear me.

"What's going on!" I asked her. "She doesn't believe me!" Catra yelled back to me. I took a breath and nodded. "Angella! It's me, Adora! It's true! It's all true! I can explain it all once we get out! Come with us and we can explain everything!" I yelled at her.

"Glimmer! Is she-!" "She's okay! We can take you back to her! Just come down! We have a way out!" I yelled back. There was no response. Catra was completely silent. I looked over to her and she was shielding her eyes from the light.

She took my hand as she widened her eyes. I squeezed her hand as she looked at me and smiled. I nodded to her, trying to reassure her. We both stood there for a minute. Waiting for a response, anything. Then we both were pushed down by a gust of wind.

I let go of Catra's hand as we both were knocked on our backs. "Okay! Let's go then!" Queen Angella said to us. We both looked up to see her there. She looked the same. Catra and I looked at each other and both got up. I motioned for them to follow me as we ran back into Bright Moon.

I ran back upstairs into the room I woke up in. That's the only place that the portal home could be. The wind finally died down so we could hear each other.

"Are you sure you know where this portal is?" Angella asked me. "Yeah, this is where I came from with the portal and.. yea-." Catra nervously spit out. I smiled as we started to walk faster. We finally made it to the room Catra and I came through and the portal was on the balcony.

"Ready to go home?" I asked. Catra shook her head and smiled. "She's coming with us? You're not going to try and stop her?" Angella asked.

"Your majesty, it's alright. Catra is on our side now."

"After everything she has done? Leaving Glimmer to be Queen all on her own? An orphan?" Catra stepped back a bit but I grabbed her hand. "King Micah is alive. He's back in Bright Moon. Bow and I, we saved him from Beast Island. He's been with us ever since."

"Micah, he's alive?" Angela asked. Catra and I both nodded. "And Catra, she sacrificed herself to save Glimmer. Now she's here to save you."

"This was your idea?" "Yes, your majesty." Catra coward behind me.

Queen Angella went to say something. She parted her lips to speak but no words came. She nodded her head at Catra.

"Thank you." She finally said to Catra. Catra looked at me. "Let's just get out of here." Catra said as she motioned for us to follow her through the portal. Catra walked through first as Queen Angella went in front of me.

I walked out of the portal and saw Catra looking worried outside. Her expression softened as she saw me. She put her hand out for me as she helped me up.

Angella was with us as Tiger and Noah were looking at us. "Are you guys okay?" Noah asked. Catra and I both nodded as Angella looked towards me.

"Adora, who are they?" She asked me.

"This is Noah and Tiger. They're from Halfmoon."

"Halfmoon?" Angella tilted her head with a confused look on her face. Catra chuckled as she said, "It's a lot to explain."

"Well we have a few hours to walk so I'm sure we can at least get into what happened while you were gone." I said to her. Queen Angella nodded as Tiger and Noah gathered their stuff to start walking.

Catra took my hand as Angella walked in front of us.

"Is she going to be okay with me?" Catra asked me.

"Well, Glimmer and Bow are. I am too. I'm sure if you give her some time then she'll come around." I said to Catra as I kissed her forehead.

Catra smiled as she swung our hands back and forth as we walked.

"So, where do we start?" I asked Catra. Angella walked next to us now as Catra and I started to explain everything that had happened in the two years Angella had been gone.

Including Horde Prime.

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