Chapter 22: What Next?

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Adora's P.O.V

When I woke up I was invaded by warmth. I opened my eyes to see if something was wrong but I only found Catra's arms around me. She was still sleeping.

I could just tell by how she was breathing. So many years of her sleeping at my feet, I could just tell when she had gotten right to sleep or if she was in a deep sleep or when she.. was having a bad dream.

I decided I would stay where I was. I wanted to make sure Catra got enough sleep. I knew she had been up when I drifted off.

I heard her take a deep breath as it lowered and she was waking up. She jumped up and looked down at me. She smiled as she saw I was awake as she put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

She leaned down and kissed me and then leaned her head on my shoulder. "Well goodmorning to you too." I said to her as her smile grew. She got up and put her hand out for me to take. I saw Melog from the corner of my eye on the bottom of the bed where Catra used to sleep.

It was calm, showing me how calm Catra was. I took her hand and got up. I walked over to where Angella and Glimmer were talking. I saw Bow talking to Tiger and Chloe.

"Hello your majesty." Catra said with a little wave as she approached the Queen. "You two. I remember when Micah and I were your age. Ah, young love." Glimmer stepped in front of her mother as Catra and I both looked at each other with each of our faces growing redder and redder.

"Mom! Please!" Glimmer said as she turned towards her. She turned back around to me and mouthed sorry as I laughed.

"So.." Catra said as she looked at everyone. Melog his itself as Catra tried to say something else but no words came out.

I snickered to myself at the sight of how awkward Catra was. "So.. what are we going to do now- leader?" I asked as I looked towards Catra. She looked around and started to stutter as she tried to speak.

"Well- well um. Don't we have to figure out what to do with Rose?" She asked us. Queen Angella nodded. "Well the prison you have here is better then Bright Moons. Especially since our prison is just a spare room with the cushions removed." Angella said.

"Well, I want to move the people here and the tents to the camp near Bright Moon. Angella, if you could continue looking for it then we could get started and we could blindfold Rose so she doesn't see where we're going." I said quickly.

Everyone looked at me. "Unless you have a better way of doing everything?" I asked Catra. She shook her head and shrugged. "That sounds better than anything I could've come up with." Catra replied with a smile.

"Okay. Let's get started." I said as we all broke apart. Catra went around talking to everyone and informing them of what the next move was. Bow and Glimmer did the same as I stood in the center of town, waiting to signal Angella back with a flash of She-ra's sword.

A few kids stared at me and I felt myself get a little embarrassed but a one came up to me to start speaking. It was a little girl and she had brown hair. She looked up at me.

"It's you." She said quickly. Her gaze was still on me. "What?" Is all I could say.

"I've heard stories about you but I always thought I was the only one who was- different." She said. It took me a moment to realize what she meant by her being different. But as I looked around I saw a group of other cat kids looking towards us. I figured they must've been her friends.

"What stories?" I asked her. She motioned for me to sit down at a nearby picnic table. Catra looked at me sitting with her as she wore a worried expression. I tried to put on my best reassuring smile as she leaned against a wall.

"When I was just a baby, my parents forgot me here on this planet. I'm not actually from here originally. I'm what everyone calls a-." "First one." I finished. She looked up at me with surprise as she shook her head. I nodded as I motioned Glimmer to come over.

I told her to shoot glitter into the air every once in a while so her mom could find her way back. She nodded as she stood near us, most likely hearing the conversation.

"I'm sorry about that. Continue." I said as I gave the girl my full attention. "Everyone here heard of the First ones saying that one of them possessed some sort of magic. And they say her name is She-ra. And the drawings- they- they look just like you." She said.

"Yes well- that would be me." I said with a chuckle. The girl smiled at me. "But my real name is Adora." I said as I transformed to my normal self. I stuck my hand out as she stuck her out saying, "I'm Nora."

"So.. you're the first one? Ever since I was a kid I just thought you were a legend." Nora explained.

"Well here I am. There used to be another She-ra before me. There were hundreds. Maybe even thousands. But the most recent besides me- her name was Mara. She sacrificed herself to save the planet."

Nora shook her head as she looked down at the table. "I don't know what to say now. I've been waiting for this ever since I was little. But now that I know it's true, that just means- my parents are gone." Nora said as I saw tears forming in her eyes.

"Hey, it's okay." I said to her as I quickly got up to sit next to her.

"I'm sure they miss you too." I said to her as I put my hand on her back.

"My parents- they don't even know where I am. I was stolen from my family. But without that happening- I never would have been She-ra. I wouldn't even be talking to you right now."

Nora nodded and smiled. "Thank you." She said. I smiled down at her as she took a breath and sat up.

"Is there any other First Ones you know?" Nora asked. I smiled sadly as I was about to say no when I thought of Naomi and Noah. "Actually, I do. Do you see those two over there? They're-." Nora shot up and ran to them.

She yelled something to them and they both looked at her with huge smiles on their faces and kneeled down to hug her. "What was that?" Catra asked me as she walked towards me from behind.

"I have no idea."

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