Chapter 6: Mara

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Adora's P.O.V

I woke up to see Bow cooking some eggs on the fire. He smiled as he saw me waking up. "Where'd you find that?" I asked him as I sat up. "Well I went straight that way and I found a birds nest with some eggs that fell. And I walked back in a straight line and here we are." Bow finished while still pointing in the direction he had walked in.

"Well they smell good." I said while smiling at him. Bow laughed. "Yeah, well I hope they are. You want some?" I got up quickly and shook my head violently.

Bow laughed as he started to tear up. "Here." Bow handed me some eggs on a bark plate I only assumed he carved with one of his arrows. After we ate we decided to go into the direction he had already gone in. It was going away from where I thought I had hear Catra last night.

I wasn't sure if it had been a dream or not. I was so close to sleep.


My eyes started to droop. I couldn't even keep them open anymore. "Adora!" I sat up. Was that real? Have I actually lost it? "Adora!" "Catra?" It was almost a whisper. Nothing that anyone could hear. I rubbed my head. "I just need sleep that's all. And now I'm talking to myself. C'mon Adora. Sleep."

~End Flashback~

"Hey Adora, you okay?" Bow asked me. I had been so deep in thought I hadn't even realized how long we had been walking. "What exactly are we looking for?" Bow stopped for a second and turned to me.
"To find Glimmer? Catra? Any sign of them. If we do then we can all get out together. If we try to escape now, we might not ever find them. Last night we were at least close."

Bow's usual happiness wasn't shown on his face at all. "Okay. We'll find them Bow. I'm not leaving here until we do. I meant, where are we going right now. You have any idea?" Bow sighed. He shook his head.

"At least if we find something, it's better then just wandering around in the woods." Bow said. I shook my head as I continued to follow him.

A few minutes passed. We still hadn't found anything. I wasn't really expecting to. I mean it had just been a few minutes.

But the quiet was getting to me. Only the sound of the woods could be heard along with Bow and I's footsteps. My thoughts drifted back to last night. Catra.

Was that actually her? And if it was, would I ever find her? We're walking away from where I thought I heard her last night. And she sounded closer then Glimmer had when she called for us. "Bow?" I had to tell him what I heard. Even if he didn't believe me.

"Bow?" He wasn't listening to me. Maybe I wasn't talking loud enough. Did I even want to tell him? I had been so exhausted last night. Maybe it wasn't even real. I just wanted to find her so badly that I made myself hear her. Bow still didn't turn around.

"Hey Bow?" I said a little louder. He turned around this time. He looked concerned. "Yeah? You okay?" I smiled to assure him that I was.

He didn't seem to believe me as he just looked more concerned. "I'm fine Bow. But I wanna talk to you about something." I said to him. I tried to make sure I sounded as confident as possible. If I sounded like I believed what I was saying maybe he would too.

"Yes of course. What is it?" Bow asked me. He had his hand on my shoulder. "Last night I heard something." Bow nodded. "Now you might think I'm crazy but I know what I heard. It sounded like C-."

"Ha! We finally did it!" A voice out of nowhere said this. Bow's eyes widened. "Hold that thought." He said as he motioned for me to follow him.

We were now moving even further away from where I heard Catra.

"Oh! Thank goodness! We actually did it! We're here!" Two voices. It sounded like a man and a woman. Why would they be out here. All alone? Unless there was more we just weren't hearing. Maybe this was a trap.

"Bow!" I whispered. He didn't stop moving. He was determined. He kept walking. I slowed down just in case. I changed into She-ra. Quietly whispering "For the Honor of Grayskull." Bow went into the opening as I followed behind him.

"Who are you?" Bow asked. "We-we." "Who. Are. You?" Bow asked as I heard him start to become agitated. He was getting nowhere with them.

I stepped out into the open. When the two looked at me, their mouths fell open. "Mara said-." Mara. Wait, Mara?

"You know Mara?" I stepped towards them. "We- you do too?" The boy asked.

They both looked like they were just a little older then Bow and I. They were scared. Bow looked just as surprised as I was.

"Yes. She left holograms and said that she was sacrificing herself to save Etheria. She-." "We know." The girl said. She stepped towards me.

"What?" Bow stepped forward too. "We were there. She told us what she had been planning." "How? How are you alive?" I asked them.

"We were able to protect ourselves. Only us. Mara told us what she was planning. We were stuck for a while but Mara swore that we would come back to Etheria when the time was right. We were in another world." The boy said. Bow was next to me now. He was thinking. Then he finally spoke.

"What do you mean another world?" He asked them. The girl looked anxious but she finally explained. "When Mara went to pull us into Despondos, we found a portal. Mara said that we would be pulled out once the portal had been flipped on again. We were trapped in there for- well it seems like a long time. Everyone is gone."

"Yes. You are the only ones left." I explained to them.
"What are your names?" Bow asked them. "Well I'm Naomi and this is Noah. What are your names?"

"I'm Bow. This is Adora." "Wait. Adora?" "Yes?" "Mara said there was an old lady in the woods that used to call her Adora all the time." Naomi explained.

"Madame Razz."

A.N. Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If y'all really want it, I might post another chapter soon!

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