Chapter 17: Queen Angella

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Catra's P.O.V

I woke up to Adora's arms around me. It felt so warm to be there. I heard myself purring along with Melog. I quickly stopped myself and shook my head.

Adora started to wake up as well and we both sat up. Everyone was already awake and talking. Adora and I both walked out to the main area and everyone turned to us.

"Hey sleepyheads." Glimmer said as she smiled at us. I felt Adora put her hand in mine. She didn't even notice she had done it, it was just something she subconsciously did.

"Are we going right now?" I asked Tiger. He shook his head saying, "We should eat something first. We've got quite the journey." I nodded as he walked off and Chloe came up to me.

"Hey maybe I can show you how to cook up this special plate we used to always have. I'm not sure why we stopped but maybe we can start it up again." Chloe said. I felt Adora stiffen as Chloe got close to me.

"Yeah maybe." I said as Chloe walked away. I turned to Adora with a smirk.

"Is someone jealous?" I asked her. Adora scoffed at me as she started blushing. "No way. Why would I be jealous? Is there something to be jealous about?" She asked me. I laughed as I got on my tip toes and kissed her cheek.

Bow and Glimmer has walked off and went to help with the cooking as Adora and I both sat down near them. She smiled to herself as she looked at me. "What?" I asked her. She shook her head as her smile grew.

"I'm so glad you're back. That was the first good night of sleep I've had since we were both at the Fright Zone." Adora explained. I could see her eyes were brighter then usual. "Me too." I said. Adora and I both sat on one side of a picnic table.

Naomi and Noah way at another table. It took about five minutes to get everything ready as we ate. I tried to eat quickly so we could leave sooner but no one else was eating as fast as I was.

I sighed as I finished eating. Everyone still had half their plate left. It must've looked like I was really hungry.

Everyone was laughing and talking as I just had both my hands set on the table. It took ten minutes but everyone was finally done. Tiger gave the go ahead to start our walk to the portal.

We had Noah come with us since he knew about the portals as well. Chloe stayed at the camp even though she was persistent on coming, Tiger convinced her otherwise.

Adora and I both walked together. We didn't have anything to say to Noah and Tiger as they both we talking about the portal and, whatever smart people talk about.

I felt Adora gripping my hand tighter the closer we got to the portal. "I'm gonna be okay you know." I said to her as I looked up to see her worried face. She smiled as she looked down to me and nodded. She didn't say anything though.

"Hey, Adora. I promise okay?" I said to her as I looked back down again. "Okay." I looked back up to her and saw her smiling. I nodded as we kept on walking.

The hours passed quickly as we just walked. Adora and I didn't really talk about anything else.

We took a few breaks here and there, but only to catch our breath. Once Tiger announced that we were close to the portal, Adora started talking again.

"I'm gonna be waiting on the other side for you." Adora said. I smiled to myself. "I know. You've said that multiple times." I replied.

"I just want you to know." Adora said as she sighed. "I do, Adora." I said. She took a deep breath. We could both see the portal in front of us. If Melog was with us, it would show everyone just how nervous I was of going into the portal. Thankfully I made sure it stayed with Glimmer and Bow.

We all stood in front of the portal. Noah got it working. "You ready?" He asked me. I nodded as Adora let go of my hand. I took a breath like Adora had shown me.

I stepped inside.


When I woke up I saw Bright Moon. I was sitting on a bed by myself. I felt something in my back pocket. When I reached for it I felt something inside. When I pulled it out, I saw Angela's earring. I remembered Adora's words.

"I'll be waiting on the other side for you." She has said. I remembered why Glimmer had given me the earring. I was going to get her mom back. The only problem was, I wasn't sure where to go.

I got up off the bed. I walked outside the doorway. There were no guards. There were no- nobody. The halls were empty.

I got a bad feeling in my stomach and my instinct was to run. So I did. I ran faster then I had before until I was out of the castle. I saw the woods. It was torn apart. Back where I had been when Adora and I had fought.

When I fell and became, not myself. I saw a bright light up in the sky. "If there was any way to know where to go, I guess that would be it." I said to myself. I began running in the direction of the light.

I had to jump over a lot of stumps for some reason. The closer I got to the light, the harder it was to run. I had to hold my arm up against the wind that was blowing against me. I felt like I could be blown away at any second.

It was so bright. I tried to look up at the light. It was way too bright to look at without anything else. I quickly looked up to see a person. I decided calling out was a stupid idea. But what choice did I have?

"Angella! Your majesty!?" I called out. I got no reply. Then again it was probably way too loud to hear me.

"Glimmer sent me here!" I yelled louder. "Catra! What are you doing here? I'm already a prisoner! There's nothing the Horde can do to me now-."

"The Horde is gone! I'm with the Rebellion!" I yelled as I held out her earring. I couldn't hear any sort of response. Since I couldn't look up to see I thought maybe she couldn't see either.

"Glimmer gave me this! She said only she knew how to get one made!" I yelled. "You could have just stolen it after you killed her!" Angella called back.

Convincing is going to take a while.

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