Chapter 9: Queen Felina

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Catra's P.O.V

"Girlfriend? You?" Rose began to laugh. I scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I just never took you for the type." Rose explained. "What type?"

Rose shrugged. She smiled at me. I didn't see what was so funny to her. Thanks to her I lost hours for searching for Adora. Glimmer was still next to me. "So, Catra's mother-." "Her name was Felina." Rose said. Glimmer nodded.

Rose continued. "She was the Queen here. One day we had an outsider. Shadow Weaver as you call her. You were very young. You might not remember any of this. But, this- Shadow Weaver- she took you. When mom found out she went looking for you in a second. Dad had already died a year before, she didn't want to lose anyone else. When she left she had said she loved me. I never saw her again. She died to save you. I'm just- glad you're okay." Rose wiped a tear from her eye.

I didn't know what to say. "So she's- Catra. She's a princess?" Rose looked at me. My eyes widened. "No. No way! Never! I hated princesses I can't be one! I was raised to hate them. I-I can't." I sat down on a table and crossed my arms in front of me.

"You're here with a Queen now. You can't hate them anymore." "I don't. I just- no. I can't be a princess." I explained. I felt myself getting worked up. I tried breathing. Like Adora told me. In. And out.

"Well. You are. No matter if you except it or not. You are a princess." Glimmer looked at me and put her hand on my shoulder. "I think it's time we go now." Glimmer said. Rose shook her head. "You caused her death. You aren't leaving."

Glimmer stepped in front of me with her hands filling with magic. "I think we are." Glimmer said. I stood up and unsheathed my claws.

Rose called for her guards and Glimmer and I fought together. Throwing people against one another. Knocking all of them out. Rose staggered backwards. "I- I." Rose ran out from the tent. I felt myself running after her but Glimmer grabbed my arm as I was stopped dead in my tracks.

"Catra.. where's Melog?" I looked around the tent. It was nowhere. "Melog!" I ran outside and Glimmer followed close behind me.

Glimmer and I were stopped as soon as we stepped foot outside. "Rose. Please. Just let us go." "The last time I let someone go I never saw them again. You're the only family I have left. I don't care you aren't leaving." Rose said as she motioned for the guards to take us.

"Where is Melog! Hey! Answer me!" I clawed at the guards and broke loose. I pounced on top of Rose. I heard Glimmer yelling at me to stop but I didn't. "I-what are you talking about?" Rose asked me as I head her to the ground. I decided she wasn't going to tell me. I was going to have to find Melog on my own.

I had to try and make her let us go. "You aren't the only one who lost someone. Glimmer did too! If her mother was still alive, she wouldn't be Queen right now! All because of me! Is that princess material? Huh!" I shoved Rose deeper into the ground as guards dragged me off of her.

I felt myself crying but I didn't care. It was true. Glimmer looked at me. She shook her head but I didn't want to look at her. I saw the ground as I was dragged to wherever Rose was taking us.

"Wait. Bring her to me." Rose said. Glimmer screamed. "No!" She was crying too now. She kept shaking her head no to me. I couldn't look at her anymore. I was dragged back to Rose. I was dropped at her feet.

I bowed my head. I didn't want to see anything anymore. "Leave us." Rose said. I heard Glimmer being dragged away and screaming to me. "No! Please! Don't! You don't know what you're doing!" Her words faded away as she was dragged away.

"You killed someone?" Rose asked me. "I was the cause of it." I answered. I was still looking at the ground. Rose's feet were the only thing I could see. As she spoke she tapped her right foot.

"Why?" "I just wanted to win. The princesses had been winning everything. They took Adora from me. Complete strangers that she had only known for an hour. She left me."

"That girl. The one that was with you. You're with her now aren't you? And you and Adora you're- well you came back together didn't you." I scoffed at her. "Yeah well this was in the past. She was still gone. I thought if I flipped the switch on the portal then I could finally win. If everyone was gone then that meant that I couldn't miss Adora anymore. No one could."

Rose nodded. She stepped away. "What am I gonna do with you now?" She asked. I didn't answer. She put her finger under my chin and lifted my head up. "Any thoughts?" "No."

Rose sighed. She went to speak but she didn't have any words. "You said a portal?" I nodded. "Why did the Queen die?" "She sacrificed herself." Rose nodded as she finally let my face go. I thought she would leave me alone. Make me dragged off again but she grabbed my face with both hands.

"And you didn't? I thought if the portal was your reality then you would've been happy." "Well it's a good thing I didn't! I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have Adora and Glimmer. I'd be stuck in a false reality." Rose squeezed harder. I felt a tear form in my eye.

"Stop!" Rose let go of my face instantly. "Who are-."

"Get back or you're gonna get hurt." I felt someone untying my hands. When I turned around I saw a girl. She helped me up.

"Who are you?" The girl went to tell me her name but she hesitated. She looked at the trees and then back at me.

"That's not important right now. We're getting you out of here."

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