Chapter 14: Jealousy

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Adora's P.O.V

"This- this is all true?" "Well your friend did cast a truth spell." I rubbed my head with both of my hands as I leaned back against the wall. "So you couldn't just become friends with Catra? You had to kill her mom? After she had already lost her father?"

Rose shrugged as she sat there. Looking at me with an evil grin. She didn't even look like Catra. I don't know why I believed it. "You think this is funny?" I asked her as I grabbed the front of her shirt.

I pulled her against the bars. Both her hands were tied behind her. She shook her head and smiled. "I never said that. Just you thinking you're intimidating. Keep dreaming big." I grew agitated and threw her back further into the cell.

"Where are Naomi and Noah?" I asked her as I again leaned against the wall. "Who?" I let out a groan as I walked over to her again. "Don't think we won't kill you. The only reason I haven't killed you is because Catra doesn't want to be a monster like you."

"I'm the monster? Catra said so herself that she killed  your friends mother. She's more a monster then I am." I couldn't take it anymore. Arguing with her wasn't worth it. I came back up the stairs and went back into myself.

I looked around for Catra and saw her sitting in front of the tent we had been in. I began to walk over to her but I was stopped in my tracks.

A white cat person with bright blue eyes and a smile walked over to Catra and began to speak to her. My stomach felt like it was going to explode. Anger swept over my body. Who is that? Did Catra find someone better then me? No. She couldn't. Wouldn't. What is this?

I shook myself of the feeling and leaned against a nearby wall. I saw Catra being hugged by this girl. The girl had the widest smile on her face with closed eyes. Catra nodded as she pulled away. They began talking for a little more but then Catra walked away.

I had to find out who this girl was. I started to walk up to her and she saw me. "Hi!" She greeted. I didn't say anything until I was right next to her. "You know Catra?" Was the first thing that came to my mind.

"Oh, yes. We were friends a long time ago. But then she was captured. At least that's what I was told happened to her." She looked at me, waiting for a response. She didn't get one.

I don't think she got the hint that I didn't want to continue the conversation either. "I'm Chloe." She said with her hand reached out for me to shake it. "I'm Adora." I said as I turned away from her. I saw Bow looking at me with wide eyes. He was waving to me frantically and trying to get me to come over to him and Glimmer.

"I've gotta go. Catra might need some help." I said to her as I turned away with a smirk. I quickly went to Bow and he explained that Catra had gone down to Rose's cell.

"Maybe we should leave her alone to talk to her. Catra probably has some things to say." Glimmer explained. I nodded with agreement as Bow let out a huff. "Fine. We just have to be careful that nothing happens." I tilted my head as I sat on a stump near the opening of the stairs.

I thought back to Princess Prom. When Catra and I still were in a war against each other. The way she looked at me every time I caught her, it was priceless.

I felt myself begin to smile and Bow and Glimmer caught on. "Adora.. what are you thinking about?" Glimmer asked as she too smiled.

"Just. The past." Was all I could say. Bow and Glimmer both sat next to me. "The good parts." "Yeah. I miss those." I sighed as I continued to think about the dance. I wished it hadn't ended so quickly. I wanted to dance the night away with Catra.

In that moment I had forgotten all about the war. And how Catra and I were enemies. It was like we were having sleepovers again. Whispering about- well you know.

I laughed to myself at the thought. "What are you thinking about specifically Adora?" Bow asked me. I leaned back onto the stump. "Well Catra and I- we used to have sleepovers. Like how we did at Bright Moon when I first got there. Those were the best nights. Neither one of us got any sleep for training and we would be stumbling around all over the floor."

Bow and Glimmer began to laugh as I demonstrated how we would walk. Occasionally tripping on my own feet on accident but they thought it was a part of it. Eventually I ended up actually falling and laughing to myself as I landed on the floor.

As we all got quiet, Bow went on to talk about him and Glimmer would scare people from the woods.

"We used to act like we were playing a game. Glimmer and I would hide in the woods, just far enough in so we couldn't be seen. It was usually at night. We would switch places every once in a while. But one of us would jump out in front of whoever was walking by and scream in their face. They would get so scared but then whoever jumped out would start running and say, 'You can't catch me!' Then whoever was still in the woods would jump out and chase the other. Sometimes whoever would jump out to chase would scare the person a second time. It was great." Bow said while laughing. Him and Glimmer smiled to each other as they remembered their childhood together.

"Anyone but you!" Catra screamed from the cell. We all looked at each other as we got up to run down the stairs. "I didn't kill her. Just you wait." Catra said.

She turned to us. She looked so angry. She took a breath. Just like I showed her. "It's fine. But we need to find those people that you said before, N-Nathan and Nova." "Naomi and Noah?" "Yeah. Sure, whatever." Catra said.

We all went back up the stairs to search for them. "Why do you want to find them?" Glimmer asked.

"I know this sounds crazy but, we need to open another portal."

A.N-Haven't been uploading on time again (I apologize) but double update today because I haven't been on time 😂. Hope you enjoy!

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