Chapter 7: Halfmoon

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Catra's P.O.V

When I woke up I heard Glimmer coughing close to me. I opened my eyes and saw her across from me with her hands chained together.

"Sparkles? You okay?" I called out. Glimmer stifled a laugh as she nodded.

"What happened?" "They took us and knocked you out. Said they didn't want trespassers. So they had to throw us in here. If they let us go we could tell people about them. They don't want that."

I sat up. My hands were chained too. "Princess, this might sound a little weird but I feel like I've been here before." Glimmer looked at me with a confused look. She was went to speak but then someone else did.

"Rations, prisoners." Someone slid two trays under the bars where we were. "Thank you." Glimmer said. "Don't. They're my orders." He stepped away and out of our view. Glimmer and I grabbed our trays. We both started to eat. She was just as hungry as me.

When we finished Glimmer piled them on top of each other. "So, any ideas on how to get out?" I asked her. She smirked at me. "Easy." She teleported to me and out of her chains. "Great. So how am I gonna do that?" I asked. She sighed and went to put her chains back on.

"You can leave Glimmer. You don't need to stay with me." "I do. I'm not leaving here until I can get you out too. You helped me escape and were left behind. I'm not letting that happen again."

I smiled as she finally got her chains back on. "So what do we do?" I asked her. "We'll figure something out. For now, we have food here. We couldn't find anything in the woods. We're better off here." I nodded as Glimmer began to look around.

"Hello?" A female voice called out to us. Glimmer and I looked at each other. We were both equally terrified.

Out of the darkness, the cat woman I had seen earlier with the blue eyes stepped out. "Hi. I'm so sorry about all of this. I just wanted to know that we would be able to trust you. We don't get outsiders very often, and when we did, it costed us greatly."

"Who are you?" I asked her. "Oh I'm sorry. My name is Rose. I'm the Queen here." Glimmer straightened up and looked at Rose. "I'm a Queen too. Queen Glimmer of Bright Moon." Rose tilted her head. It seemed like she hadn't gotten out much.

"I apologize. My people and I don't go out anywhere besides the lakes near us to hunt. We've never heard of Bright Moon." "Well you almost have the same name as it." I spat out. Rose looked at me. "And What is your name?" I looked at Glimmer.

She nodded for me that it was okay. Glimmer trusted this woman. "It's Catra." Rose stepped back as her eyes widened. "If you'll excuse me." She said as she ran back into the darkness and away from us.

"What was that about?" Glimmer asked. I shrugged. "I have a weird feeling." I said. Glimmer nodded as we both just sat there in silence. "Why did she just run?" I asked Glimmer. "She looked like she just saw a ghost." Glimmer replied.

I nodded in agreement. What was wrong with her?

A few minutes later Rose returned. "Both of you are free to wander around as you like. You shouldn't be prisoners here. We can trust you." She said with a smile. Glimmer gave me a look. I could tell she thought this was weird.

I did too.

Glimmer and I never had the chance to talk about it as Rose was with us to show us around. Or rather just watch over us. "Catra? Do you see anything you- you like?" Rose asked from behind me. The way she spoke. I couldn't tell what was going on but she seemed very off.

I shrugged as I continued to walk forward as I motioned for Glimmer to come with me into a nearby tent. She nodded as we both walked in. No one was in there. Rose shut the flaps behind us as Glimmer and I still tried to act as natural as possible.

We acted as if we cared was inside the tent until Glimmer teleported to Rose and I jumped towards her.

"Cut the act Rose. What are you hiding?" "What are you-." "Save it! I know you know something! Now tell us what."

Rose had her hands up. "Okay. Okay." Glimmer let her go as she stood behind her with her face like stone. "Catra I- I know this might be hard to hear but you're from here. You were taken. Along with our mom. She-."

"Wait. What! Our mom! I don't have one. I never did. All I had was the Horde." "No! You were taken with our mother and she fought for you. To save your life. And apparently she did. She was killed by some sort of dark magic and she was left without her mask but only her clothes."

"Mask- wha-what-. What did the mask look like?" Rose outlined her face. "And it was red." She said after she finished. "My mask. Shadow Weaver said that it was a gift from the Horde. To show I had graduated from training and I could move up. I was on my way to becoming a Force Captain."

Rose looked at me. Glimmer's face dropped. She was worried. "Shadow Weaver? Shadow Weaver killed my mom! Even while she's dead she's still ruining me." Glimmer walked towards me. She had her hands on my shoulders.

If this were the old me I would run away and hide. But now I've changed. I felt myself go limp in Glimmer's arms as my body shook with sobs.

"I thought maybe you'd have died too but you're here. Do you- do you know where the mask is now?" Rose asked. I was too overwhelmed to answer. There was a lump in my throat.

I couldn't speak even if I wanted to. Rose was silent for a few minutes as I calmed down. I took a deep breath. "Adora. Adora has it."

"Adora? And who is that?" I looked down. Then back up. "My girlfriend."

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