Chapter 3: Celebration

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Catra's P.O.V

"Wow. Its hard to believe that we met here." Bow said as Glimmer and Adora laughed with him. As they started to reminisce, I felt a little left out. I hadn't been there. I wasn't a part of their friend group in the beginning. I had only just joined the rebellion and most of their memories of me were all horrible.

I had even been the cause of the Queens death. Glimmers mom. I hadn't even apologized. Maybe those memories are what I actually am. Horrible.

I felt Melog rub against my leg. It looked up at me and told me it wasn't true. "You're not a horrible person. You helped Adora save the universe. If it wasn't for you she would be dead. Maybe everyone would be." I nodded as I leaned down to pet Melog.

I tilted my head at it as it purred to me. "Should we set up here?" Bow asked. "I don't see why not." Glimmer said. Bow and Glimmer began to walk towards the vines and set up a fire.

Adora turned towards me with a concerned look. "Are you okay?" She asked me. "Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I be." Adora pointed to Melog. Its ears were drooping and its facial expression looked sad. Why Melog?

"It's nothing. I'm fine." I said as Adora stepped towards me. "Catra. C'mon what is it?" I took a breath.

"It's just I feel like everything I did to you guys.. it feels like I wasn't properly forgiven. I'm responsible for Glimmer being motherless. If it wasn't for me she would still be a kid and not have the responsibilities of being a Queen. On top of everything else I've done." I answered. I looked at my feet as I felt my ears droop along with Melog's.

I saw Adora's feet step right next to mine. "Catra, its okay. Glimmer is stronger then ever. She knows that her mother sacrificed herself just to save everyone. You did too. You stayed with me in that cave. You didn't have to. Like I had said, you could've died. But you saved me. You saved everyone just like Glimmers mom did. And while you were on Horde Primes ship, you saved Glimmer. You didn't have to do that but you did. That's why you're forgiven."

I looked up at Adora. Both her hands were on my shoulders. She smiled at me as I looked up. She leaned towards me. I had butterflies in my stomach. She kissed my forehead. The butterflies went away. "Come on. Let's go help them set up." Adora said as she held her hand out to me.

I took it and smiled at her as Melog followed behind us.

"Hey Adora can you come with me to get fire wood? There's nothing around." Bow asked.

"Yeah sure." Adora smiled as she went with Bow into the woods to get the wood. I was left with Glimmer.

"So Sparkles, I've been meaning to ask.." Glimmer looked at me with squinted eyes. "You and Bow.. are you guys-." Glimmer smiled as her eyes went back to normal. "Well. We never really put any label on anything. But I guess we are. Before he- he went to go into Horde Primes ship. Before he did, I told him I loved him. I had to make sure he knew in case something happened to him." I nodded as a smirk formed on my face.

"Why are you smiling?" Glimmer asked me as she stifled a laugh. "I knew from the beginning." I replied. "What? You don't know what you're talking about." I shrugged. "Yeah totally. Don't think I didn't see you at Princess Prom. You were eyeing him the whole night." I replied. Glimmer scoffed at me as she smiled.

"You were jealous of Perfuma." "Okay, okay, maybe a little." I hopped up. "I knew it!" Glimmer laughed as she saw Melog becoming excited and jumping around like I had been. I face palmed and calmed myself so Melog would stop. "Well you aren't too slick yourself Horde Scum." Glimmer said to me.

I sat back down. "What are you talking about?" I asked her. Melog showed how surprised I was. "You and Adora.. You two were soo obvious at Princess Prom." Glimmer explained.

"In your words, 'you don't know what you're talking about' Sparkles." "Sure. Not like she was following you around all night. Or you purposely went near her when the dance started up. Or the looks you two were giving each other on that cliff." I felt my expression grow with confusion.

"Okay firstly, she was following me so she knew what I was up to-." "That's what she told you." Glimmer interrupted. I smiled as I continued speaking. "But the dance, I admit I tried to get near her but just to annoy her." "Yeah clearly that worked. With you dipping her and having your claws all over her." Glimmer said.

I bit my lip. Did she know everything? "What about the cliff thing? You didn't even see that." I reasoned. "Well, Scorpia and I have had our fair share of conversations. You and Adora being one of them." Glimmer said. God, Scorpia. Glimmer smirked at me as she saw my expression. "Okay princess, I guess you may be right. But I know I am too."

Glimmer shrugged and gave me a win as well. Glimmer and I stayed there talking for another 10 minutes. It was starting to get dark.

"Shouldn't they be back by now?" I asked Glimmer. She nodded as she stood. She looked like she was listening. I stood to do the same. I couldn't hear anything.

"We have to go look for them." I told Glimmer. I could hear my own voice break. "I'm sure they're fine. They'll probably be back any second." Glimmer reasoned.

I shook my head. "No. I promised Adora I'd stay with her and she promised the same to me. We have to find her. And Bow." Glimmer nodded and led the way into the woods.

"As long as we walk in a straight line we should be able to find our way back." Glimmer said. I walked close behind her as she walked. We walked for what felt like an hour. It was completely dark. The only thing leading the way was a lantern Glimmer had taken from the camp that the King has set.

Suddenly Glimmer stopped. I almost bumped into her. "Do you hear that?" She asked me. She put the lantern to her right. "No. Glimmer are you sure you-." "Shh." Glimmer listened closely.

"It sounds like talking." Glimmer told me. "It could just be the woods. There are sounds of whispering and such. Probably why people call it the Whispering Woods." Glimmer barely acknowledged my speaking as she completely turned to her right.

"Bow! Adora!" She called out. No answer. At least nothing I could hear.

"C'mon. I definitely hear something." Glimmer said as she began to sprint in the direction she had screamed in. There was no one in sight.

"Glimmer! Glimmer wait!" I screamed out. She wasn't listening. I got down on all fours to go faster. I had to tackle her down so she would stop running. She was crying.

"Catra.. they're gone. Where-." "Glimmer wait. Which direction did we come from..?" I asked her.

Glimmer and I got up. I looked in all directions. They all looked the same. "If Bow and Adora are gone, I don't think we're doing any better then they are."

A.N. Hope you guys enjoyed this one!! Things only get bumpier from here. ;)

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