Chapter 4: Firewood

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Adora's P.O.V

"Bow, there's no firewood anywhere." "The we have to go deeper until we find enough for a fire." I sighed as Bow and I continued walking. We had already been walking for 15 minutes and each of us had a little pile of sticks in our arms. Aka, not enough for a fire.

"How much deeper are we going to go?" I asked him. "Well, deep enough to find more sticks. So, ask me when we start finding more sticks." I groaned out loud. As we walked, I thought back to what Catra had said. It was her fault that Angella was gone. I guess it was. But I never thought about it like that.

Catra's changed. I'm sure if she could she'd go back and undo her mistakes. Maybe even rescue the Queen. But it can't be undone. At least that's what Shadow Weaver had said. Now they're both gone.

"Adora? What are you doing?" Bow called to me. "Oh nothing sorry. Just thinking." Bow walked next to me as he was smiling. "What's up?" He asked me.

"Well Catra has been blaming herself for things that happened. She thinks you guys didn't forgive her properly." I explain. Bow's expression shows he's thinking.

"What does she blame herself for?" He asked. "Queen Angella's death. She pointed out her memorial today. I think it's getting to her a little."

I explain to him. Bow nods as we walk on. He's quiet for a while. "Well. She is kind of the one to blame for her being gone. But Catra sacrificed herself too. To save you. Us." Bow reasoned. I nodded as he smirked at me.

"What?" I asked him. "Speaking of Catra, you two, how's that?" He asked me. I felt myself grow flustered as my face was immediately hot.

"Well it's going- it's good. It's great." I said to him as I looked straight ahead. "You never told me what happened in the cave." Bow said to me.

I could just hear from his voice that he was smiling.

"Well. She came in after I was attacked by a monster. She fought it off as Shadow Weaver brought me to the heart. I heard Catra scream so I left the heart to save her. I had to. Shadow Weaver came with me and sacrificed herself to save Catra. She said she was proud of her." Bow nodded as I continued on.

"Catra took me to the heart and I had to transform into She-ra to stop it. But I couldn't. Horde Prime already took over. I told Catra to leave. If I used the Failsafe I wouldn't survive. I wanted her to. But she didn't leave. She said she would stay with me. She did and I had passed out. I had a vision of the future. You and Glimmer were together. Along with Catra and I. But it was fake. When I was pulled from it Catra said she loved me."

Bow gasped as he turned to me. I smiled as I looked down at my shoes. "That woke me up. I told her I loved her too. She was the one to kiss me and after that I had turned into She-ra. Before I walked out, Catra and I made a promise to each other that we would always stay with each other. We would never leave one another again."

Bow nodded at me as he smiled. "Adora. That's- I'm so happy for you. Catra really has changed. She really does love you." Bow said to me as he grew giddy from my story. His eyes were sparkling.

It was starting to get dark now. "I told Glimmer I loved her too. She said it first before I went into Primes ship. I don't know why. But now, me dating my best friend couldn't be more appealing. There's no labels yet but I don't want to rush anything with Glimmer. For right now, everything is perfect." Bow said while smiling. He was right. Everything really was perfect.

5 minutes had passed as Bow and I were talking about nonsense while picking up the occasional stick or two. Out of nowhere we heard yelling.

"Bow! Adora!" It was Glimmer. Bow and I looked at each other with the same look as we both began to sprint towards where Glimmer was heard. "Glimmer! Glimmer wait!" I heard Catra screaming after her. "Bow wait. We don't know where they are or how far away that screaming was. We don't even know how deep into the woods we are right now." I reasoned with him. He nodded in agreement.

"Here put the fire wood here. Maybe if we make a fire they'll be able to see it and find us and then we can all find a way out. Together." Bow said. I nodded as I sat down.

Bow started a fire as I waited to hear anything. A footstep, a voice, anything. It never came. "Adora. We should rest. We're close to where they were. They should find us soon. For now we both need sleep." Bow said to me. I agreed. Bow grabbed a few moss patches which he used for a blanket. I did the same.

Sleep didn't come for a while. I was worried. About Catra. I thought maybe she thought I had left her. Which I promised her not even 24 hours before that I wouldn't do ever again. But at least she has Glimmer. And Melog. They'll make sure she's okay. That she's safe.

I have to trust that. As I felt myself drifting to sleep I thought I had heard Catra's voice. When I opened my eyes there was absolutely nothing. Bow was across from me already asleep. His face looked uneasy but he was sleeping.

It took a while but I had finally done the same. "We can find them. But tomorrow. Not now. We will find them." I whispered myself as I drifted into sleep. Dreaming of Catra in my head.

A.N. ALRIGHT YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY. 11 hours ago I said if we get 100 reads I'll update. WELL YOU DID IT. Hope you enjoy! Next update is Friday unless y'all really want it.

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