Chapter 8: Madame Razz

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Adora's P.O.V

"You know her?" Naomi asked me. "Madame Razz? Yes." Naomi stepped back. "We- did she ever talk about her? Mara I mean." Noah said.

Bow and I looked at each other. He had no idea what we were talking about. "Yes. A lot actually. I think she knew her." "She knew you too." "What? But this was- this was millions of years ago. How could she know her?" Bow asked.

"Why don't we go ask her?" I asked. Everyone nodded as I led the way.

"How many times have you been there Adora?" "Well, Razz has always been there when I needed her. Swift Wind goes there a lot too." Naomi and Noah looked at me like I was crazy. "He's a talking horse that can fly- long story." Bow explained.

They both nodded as Bow and I continued walking ahead of them. Bow got closer to me so they wouldn't hear him. "You think we can trust them?" He whispered. I turned around to see them both talking to each other and laughing.

"I'm not sure. But they know about Mara. How else would they know about that?" I asked him. Bow shrugged as he was thinking for a minute. "They could've just done research like my dads. Remember how they found out about the 'Friends of Mara' and the passwords? They could've done the same thing." Bow explained.

I took this in and I realized he might be right. "Let's just keep an eye on them okay?" Bow nodded as we began walking normally again. I was leading the way but I had no idea where I was going. I just used the sword to guide me. I had a feeling we were going in the right direction. That was the only thing I could go on.

A few minutes went by. There was still nothing. Bow began looking at me out of the corner of his eye. He didn't think I saw him but I did. We were so lost. So far away. We weren't even close to Razz's.

"Did you hear that? Yes. I did. Yes I'm sure this time." Razz.

"Is that her?" Bow asked me. I didn't answer as I started to walk towards the voice I had heard. "Razz? Is that you?" "Who is it!"

I stepped over a branch. I told Bow about it as he stepped over it and helped Naomi and Noah. "Razz. I found you." "Oh! Adora!" That was different. She actually knew who I was?

"Yes. You said Adora? What?" "Hush no need to make a big deal about it dearie. Now follow me! There's someone who wants to see you." Razz started to walk off as I followed.

"She always leads me to where I need to go. We could follow her and find Glimmer. Or Catra. Maybe Swift Wind." "Only one way to find out." Bow said as he followed after Razz. I was close behind him.

Madame Razz was even faster then she had been the last time I saw her. Bow had started running so he could catch up so I did too. Naomi and Noah were close behind.

I walked into an opening and there was Razz. Looking around trying to find something.

"It was just here." She said to herself. "What?" Razz rapped her chin. "Ah, it'll come back I'm sure. Now- Noah? Naomi? Is that you?" Naomi and Noah looked at each other. "Um. We've never seen you before." Naomi said as she stepped behind Noah.

"Oh no. You don't know Madame Razz yet do you? Well. Mara told me all about you." Razz said as she stepped towards the duo.

"Noah. She wanted to tell you that she didn't want to be She-ra. She wanted to stay with you. She didn't know how else to get out of this besides- Well Madame Razz doesn't have to explain. Naomi. Her best friend. She loved you so much. She wanted to let you know that. She missed you too. She wanted a life with you dearie." Naomi blushed as she walked out from Noah.

"Thank you." She said. "Yes dearie." Razz said as she walked away.

"Wait Razz. What was here? Who?" Bow asked as he stepped forward. "What are you on about dearie?" Razz waves him off as she started walking again.

I sighed as I followed her again. Razz was running again. I was first and started to run after her. She was gone. Just like that. "Adora! Where did she go?" Bow called to me. Noah and Naomi weren't far behind as the knocked into Bow.

"Dearie!" Razz called. She sounded far away. But we were going in the right direction. Bow said to go slow so we did. To make sure we didn't knock into each other again. "Hey! Noah! Where are you going!" Naomi yelled. Bow and I turned to look at Naomi but we only saw a flash of her running after something. Presumably Noah.

Bow ran after them. It took me a second but I decided sticking with Bow would be better then running after someone out of their mind. Then again I kept chasing after Catra..

That's besides the point.

"Bow!" I ran as fast as I could. Even faster. I was almost near them. I could hear them yelling about something. "Oof!" Something ran right into my stomach.

My back hit the floor faster then it did when Catra would take me down in the Horde. I started to cough as I tried to get up to see what I had run into.

Or what had run into me. I wasn't sure. I hit my head on the ground. Bow helped me up.

"Oh! There you are dearie!" Razz yelled out to us. Noah was out of breath. I could hear him panting as Naomi tried to calm him. I sat up.

"There who- ." When I got up I was face to face with someone I thought I would never see again.

"Hey there, Melog."

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