Chapter 5: Lost

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Catra's P.O.V

"Glimmer.. can you teleport up to the trees to see where we are?" I asked. Glimmer nodded as she teleported out of my view.

We were lost. Adora and Bow were gone and Glimmer was the only person left with me. And Melog.

If Adora and Bow has heard Glimmer and I calling out to them, maybe they'd hear it again.

"Adora!" Nothing. Just the whispers of the woods. "Adora!" Again, nothing. Maybe Glimmer would find something out before I could. She's the one that has powers.

I sat down on a nearby log and waited for Glimmer to come back.

I heard her teleporting about but she wasn't saying anything. She was probably still searching. "Catra?" I heard a voice call out.

Maybe it was Adora? Or Glimmer?

"Glimmer?" "Yeah it's me." "I'm down here." No sign of anything. Glimmer teleported in front of me and shook her head. "You couldn't see anything?" "No. All there is, is trees." Glimmer explained. I rubbed my head.

I just have to remind myself not to worry. Everything will be fine. We'll find them. Or they'll find us. No matter what we'll all be together soon.

"It's alright Glimmer. Its getting late anyways. We should try and get some sleep." I suggested. Glimmer nodded as she gathered some nearby sticks and used her powers to light it.

"Catra. Are you okay?" Glimmer asked me as she sat down. "Yeah. At least, I will be once we find them." I explained as I scooted over so Melog could sit next to me.

"We will. I'll make sure we do." Glimmer said. I nodded as I curled up in a ball. I told Glimmer I was going to sleep and she nodded and said she'd stay up until I fell asleep. I could tell she was lying. She was going to stay up incase Bow came around.

I would've done the same thing but I couldn't. I was exhausted. Last night I barely slept. I was so happy. It's hard to think that happened not even 24 hours ago and now I'm here. Lost in the Whispering Woods.

I felt myself drift off as Melog purred next to me. I started to dream when I saw Adora. I ran to her and wrapped myself around her. "I missed you." Adora says. I started to cry as I clung to her. Never wanting to let go.

"I still miss you. Come back to me." I say. There's no words of acknowledgement. It's completely silent. That's fine. I don't need words. All I need is Adora.

"Adora I-." I finally let go of her to see her crying. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "Catra.. I promised I would stay with you. I'm so sorry. I want to come back to you I swear." Adora says. It's almost like it's actually her talking.

"Hey, hey I know, I know okay? It's alright. I'll find you." I say to her. This time it's Adora who wraps herself around me. 

"I love you." Adora says. I feel myself starting to tear up as I cling to her once again. "I love you too." I say to her. "Just know that I will never stop looking in these woods until I find you. We'll keep our promise to stay with each other." I say to her. Adora nods as she pulls away from me.

"I know. It'll be okay Catra. I'm closer to you than you think. These woods aren't big enough to keep me away from you. No matter how hard you try." Adora says with a wink. She pokes my nose with her finger as she smiles to me.

I feel myself waking up as she fades away saying goodbye to me. I open my eyes to see Glimmer slumped over on a log. She fell asleep. She still looked exhausted. I decided to let her sleep.

I heard my stomach grumble as I realized how hungry I was. I guess we hadn't eaten since noon yesterday. "We can't look for food without the Princess. You might lose track of where she is." Melog said to me.

I look down at it. "I know. Lets just stay here for a couple minutes and let her sleep." Melog tilted its head and laid down on the grass. I started to think back to my dream. It seemed so real. Adora seemed like herself.

Real. I know it wasn't real but it felt good to think that she was looking out for me even if she didn't know it. I heard Glimmer groan as she started to move. She opened her eyes and sat up instantly.

"How long have I been asleep? What happened? Is everything-." "Glimmer it's okay. Everything is fine. The only thing is we need some food." I explained. Glimmer nodded as she stood up to stretch. She put out the fire and started walking into.. whatever direction we were facing.

"What are we looking for exactly?" I asked her. "Just- if you see something that looks like food, tell me. Maybe we can eat it." Glimmer said. I laughed as I kept my eyes sharp. Melog did the same.

Glimmer pointed out a few things but we determined all of them were definitely not food.

We kept walking and with each step I got hungrier and hungrier. It felt pointless to keep walking. "Wait." Glimmer said as she put her arm out in front of me. I stopped. "What?" I asked her. "I thought I heard something." Glimmer said. I put my back to hers so we were looking in all directions. Melog looked around too.

It motioned towards Glimmer's left. "What is it?" I asked. Melog started to walk towards whatever it was hearing. I motioned for Glimmer to follow me.

Melog began to walk faster as it went through a leaf wall. Glimmer and I started to jog towards it as Glimmer opened it for me and we both stepped through.

"Whoa." I managed to say. "What is this?" Glimmer asked.

"Halfmoon." I said as I read an overlooking banner that hung over a town. "Intruders!" "Uh oh." Glimmer said.

I saw someone who looked kinda like me. Cat ears, tail and had blue eyes. "Seize them!" Someone yelled.

"I think uh oh is an understatement." I said to Glimmer.

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