Chapter 20: Prisoner

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Adora's P.O.V

"Rose? What exactly are you planning?" "We go down there, and tell her what's what. She's not the leader anymore. It doesn't matter who is, but it will be anyone but her."

Catra looked at Glimmer, Bow and I as she finished speaking. "Okay, that sounds like a good start but what are you going to say?" Bow asked her. Catra went to speak but closed her mouth as she put her hand to her chin.

"We should figure that out first before we do anything." I said to Catra. She nodded as she started to pace.

"Does anyone have any ideas on what to say?" Glimmer asked us. She looked at everyone and all of our expressions were blank. "Shouldn't we try to get information out of her?" Bow asked. "What information? We already know everything we need to." Catra said back.

"Oh right. Sorry. I'm used to interrogations." Bow said with a smile as he scratched his head. We all looked at him but then went back to thinking to ourselves. I didn't know what to say to her. Catra and I were clueless on being leaders since the only model leader we had was- Shadow Weaver.

"We'll have you told Angella about Rose? Maybe she can help." Bow said to us. "That's- actually not a bad idea." Catra said to him. Glimmer waves Angella over as she stood with us.

"So, mom. When we came here, there was a woman named Rose and she was ruling. But we found out that she was only ruling because Catra had been kidnapped from here. And Rose has killed the former Queen. Everyone was scared to confront her on it until we came here. Now she's down there in a cell and we need to talk to her to make sure she knows she's definitely not a leader anymore." Glimmer explained as she pointed down to the stairs that led underground.

Angella nodded as she thought to herself for a moment. We all went quiet as we waited for her to say something. "So what I have understood from that is, she killed the Queen and is the reason Catra was taken into the Horde?" Angella asked us for clarification.

We all nodded as she turned towards the stairs for a minute. "How long have you been here?" "Three or four days." I answered. Angella nodded with the information.

"Well, from what I can understand, she was a terrible person even before being the leader here. You must tell her that. Make sure she knows. You also must say that with the power, she grew worse. Everyone is scared of her. No one wanted her to be a leader before and no one wants her to be one right now." Angella said as she held a confident expression on her face.

"What if she asks who we think the real leader is. I've been alone down there with her before and she tried to get in my head. I'm just trying to prep for everything." Catra said as she took a step towards the Queen.

"Well that's very clever of you, Catra." She said as she smiled at her. "If she asks, you tell her that she doesn't deserve to know. And any other information she asks for, don't tell her. Enemies need ways to bargain. If you don't give her material to bargain, then she simply can't." Angella said. Catra nodded as she thanked her and started walking towards the cells.

I ran after her quickly before she went down. "Hey, are you sure you're ready?" I asked her as I grabbed her hand to let her know it was me. Melog was by her side as always and it meowed to me as it smiled towards me.

"Yes. But, can you guys could come down with me?" She asked me. I nodded to her as she turned to me. I quickly motioned for Glimmer and Bow to come down with us as Catra began walking down.

Glimmer and Bow were teleported next to me as we walked down the stairs.

"Ah well if it isn't my sister." Rose called out to Catra. "We have never been sisters. And we never will be. Now listen. I'm only down here talking to you for one reason." "Oh and what's that?" Rose teased. Catra bit her lip as she took a breath so she didn't do something stupid.

"Shut up and listen. You were a horrible person before you were ruler. Now that you are ruler, you're even worse. Its time for a real ruler to take your place. Someone the people want. Which had never been you." Catra spit at her. As she leaned towards the cell bars.

"And who is this, real ruler, you speak of?" Rose asked while smiling at Catra. It made my blood boil.

"Doesn't matter. The only thing that does matter is that it isn't you." Catra said as she walked away from the bars. "It better not be you." Rose called out as Catra stopped walking. "What?" Catra said.

She stood there, gritting her teeth. She was shaking her head slowly. It was so slow no one would notice if they weren't paying attention. "Ruler. You could never live up to Felina. Although, she didn't live that long so, maybe you can prove me wrong." Catra growled as she made her way to the cell in one fast motion.

She grabbed Rose's shirt through the bars. "Don't talk about the Queen like that. You could never live up to her! Thats why you had to kill her. Murder her in cold blood. And I won't stop talking about that until the whole planet knows what you've done." Catra said as she dropped Rose to the floor.

"You're weak." Catra said as she walked away. This time she didn't turn back as she took my hand and we all walked back up the stairs away from Rose.

I could still hear her screaming after Catra. She hadn't known that we were there until we were leaving. As we made it back up, Rose's screaming was drowned out by the people's screaming.

Or more or less, cheering. For us.

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