Chapter 15: Portal

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Catra's P.O.V

"Are you insane!" "Do you remember what happened last time!" "We almost died! You were the closest to it out of all of us!"

I took a breath. "I know. I know. But if these people are friends of Mara or whatever, then they know how all of that stuff works." "She has a point guys." Adora stepped in. I thanked every fiber in my being that I had Adora. I don't know what I would do without her.

I smiled at her as she continued. "Naomi and Noah came from a portal. Remember Bow?" Now nodded as he raised his hand to his chin. Glimmer looked at all of us and stayed silent. "If they got out, maybe they know how and they could help us get out too." Adora said. I nodded with her as Bow did as well.

Glimmer stepped forward. "Why do you want to go in the portal anyway?" Glimmer asked "Queen Angella. I know she's trapped in there. She can get out." Glimmer's mouth opened. "You want to save her?" "Yes. Its been eating at me ever since I activated the portal. Now that I know that I actually caused someone to be stuck in there, I want to help."

Adora shook her head at me. "But, Catra. She's stuck in there for good. She used the sword. We don't even have the sword anymore." Adora explained. I nodded. "That's where Naomi and- whatever his name is- come in. If they know how to get out. Then so do we. And so does your mom." I said to Glimmer.

Glimmer began to tear up and stepped towards me. She didn't say anything for a while but just looked at me. Suddenly though, she hugged me saying, "Thank you." Which got muffled into my shoulder. She let go as she was crying.

"Let's go." I said.

We began our search with Adora going to people's doors to knock. Since she wasn't She-ra, they wouldn't recognize her. Plus we all agreed she looked the nicest, although it was a close win with Bow.

We knocked on three doors before we found Naomi and Noah. They were being hidden inside someone's home. When the rest of us walked in everyone hid until Adora explained that we meant no harm.

They seemed to believe it. Bow and Adora found the pair upstairs and I noticed that Naomi was the girl that had rescued me.

She recognized me and waved. I waved back to her. Adora explained everything to them.

Starting with who we were and what I wanted to do. Glimmer introduced herself and they tried their best to remember what Mara had done.

"As long as you know you're in the portal you have a way of getting out." Noah said. "That's how I got out." Adora said as she nodded to them. "How can we know that we're in the portal?" Bow asked as he stood up. "You'll need a reminder." Naomi explained.

"Well, why don't we just write a letter to ourselves that says, 'you're in a portal' then we could remember." I suggested. Everyone looked at me and shook their head. "What? I thought it was a good idea." I said. They all looked at each other and tried to hold in their laughter.

"Firstly, we need a portal. Secondly, only one of us can go in. If we all do, then that will be more to worry about. Thirdly, no we can't write a letter to ourselves because it won't go through."

"How are only one of us going to go through?" Adora asked. "When we were pulled through the portal, that meant that we were pulled out of Despondes. We were never told how this happened but because it did we were pulled out. Because we were pulled out that means portals can be opened or closed. We can go in and out as long as it stays open." Noah said. Naomi nodded in agreement with him as they stood as well.

We all started to stand up as Glimmer asked, "So where can we find a portal?" "We asked the people in here. They gave us this." Naomi gave Glimmer a piece of paper.

I walked to Glimmer's side and looked down at the paper. I felt Adora put her hands on my shoulder to look at it as well. I turned to face her and she gave me a little smirk as I turned back around. "A map. How convenient." Bow said.

"The people said that they and only a few others know about the portal. They don't want anyone using it unless it is absolutely necessary." Noah said. We all nodded as I stepped away for a minute. Adora followed right behind me.

"What is it?" Adora asked me. "I want to talk to them. Tell them what's going on. Tell them that they shouldn't be afraid of us. They should be afraid of Rose." I explained.

Adora nodded and grabbed my hand. "Then go. You can do it." She said with a smile. I nodded as I squeezed her hand. I walked outside. There were people walking around now. We'd been inside for a while.

I walked in front of the tent on top of some steps. When people noticed me they began to rush inside. "Wait!" I called out. They all looked up at me. I felt my throat become dry. In. And out. "Wait. Please." A crowd began forming in front of me.

I saw Adora, Bow, Glimmer, Noah and Naomi coming out of the house. Adora looked at me. She nodded and smiled. "I want you all to know the truth. About me. About my friends. And about your 'leader.' We aren't here to scare you. We aren't here to have you hide from us. We're here to make things better. I'm not sure if you know me but some people do. My name— is Catra." Most people in the crowd gasped as they all started to talk.

"I know. Most of you thought that I had been the cause for Queen Felina's death. You were told a lie. Rose, she went into the woods and killed her. All because she wanted to be Queen herself. She thought I was Felinas daughter. Felina couldn't have children. They found me abandoned as a baby and took me in. If you don't believe me that's okay I just thought you should know who Rose really is."

I stepped down as the crowd roared. "Yeah! Catra!" Someone yelled. I ran back to Adora as she hugged me while laughing.

"I'm proud of you. You did it." Adora said. I felt Glimmer patting my back as she smiled at me.

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