Chapter 11: Escape

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Catra's P.O.V

I tried everything. Kicking, screaming, yelling. Nothing worked. I couldn't warn Adora. Not in time anyway.

Glimmer was awake. We were separated but she had something that Rose didn't know about yet. Teleporting. She teleported into my cell and got my ropes untied and got the gag out of my mouth.

She was in a cell with Bow while I was with Adora. Glimmer and I told each other to keep Bow and Adora tied up but the gags could come out of their mouths.

Once they woke up we could all get out. Melog was curled in a ball next to the cell.

Melog told me that it would stay with me until we got out of here. It wasn't leaving me again.

"How are you feeling?" Glimmer asked as she saw me worrying. "I'm alright." "You sure?" "Yes. I'm okay. I just want them to wake up so we can leave."

"You're gonna leave?" "Yeah, what else would I do?" Glimmer sighed. "Rose isn't the type to lead. She doesn't treat her people right. I know you said you didn't want to be a princess but, maybe you could be their leader." I went to speak but I couldn't say anything.

I thought about it. Being a leader and a princess are two entirely different things. Maybe- I don't know.

"I don't know Glimmer. I don't want to stay out here. I'd be far away from all of you." "Maybe you wouldn't have to be." I looked up at her. She gave me a look.

"What are you talking about?" Glimmer shook her head and smiled. "My dad. He's helping those civilians build the town near Bright Moon." "Yeah. What about it?" I asked her. "Catra. With you as their leader, you'll be able to tell them what to do. And if you think that moving closer to us is the best thing to do then they'll do it."

Glimmer smiled and nodded at me. I considered it. Maybe I could be a leader. But I don't know if I'd be able to-

"Bow. Hey Bow." Glimmer started to move towards Bow as he was groaning. He got up but then slid back down. "Glimmer?" Glimmer went down to Bow and hugged him. "I'm alright. I'm alright." Glimmer moves away from him and kissed his forehead.

I leaned back agains the cell bars. I waved to Bow. "Hey arrow boy." I said to him. He smiled and waved back as Glimmer hugged him again. I looked down at Adora. She was still. "She used She-ra for a while. She might be out of it for an hour or two." Now explained.

I nodded. "So where were you guys?" Bow laughed. "Well we did go to get fire wood. But we heard you and then we got lost. Adora was trying to tell me something earlier. She said she heard- something. She didn't get to finish what she was saying though. We ran into a brother and sister Naomi and Noah. They knew Mara."

"Like, Mara Mara?" Glimmer asked him. He smiled and nodded. "Was that who came here earlier? Rose has me kneeled in front of her and I don't know what she was going to do but a girl helped me. A girl set me free. She didn't tell me her name but that's why everything was all over the place when you came here to get Glimmer and I."

Bow nodded. "Did they come in here before we did?" I shook my head. Glimmer did too. Bow sighed. "I hope they're okay." Glimmer said as she helped Bow up. She untied him and told him to act like he still had his ties.

We waited there. Talking for a while. I kept my eyes on Adora. One hand rubbing her back. In case she did wake up she'd know I was here. That I'd stayed. Just like we'd promised. Bow and Glimmer began talking about who knows what.

Melog kept giving me a look. It wanted to come into the cell. To help. But it didn't. It couldn't get in. I assured Melog that I was alright. It nodded as it cloaked itself.

"Glimmer. What if Adora doesn't wake up until tomorrow. Rose could be back by then." I said. Glimmer looked at Adora. I did too. Adora looked like she was uncomfortable with something.

I could see her mouthing the word no. Over and over. "Glimmer there's something wrong." I said to her. Glimmer nodded in agreement as she said, "Wake her up."

I got both of my hands out now and shook her a little as she opened her eye and started panting. She sat up. Glimmer untied as she was still waking up.

She looked up at me. "Catra?" I smiled at her. "Yes. Its me Adora. You really found me." She laughed as she came to me in a swift motion and pulled me into a hug. "I missed you." Adora said. "I did too." I said back.

She pulled away from me. She put her hands on my cheeks. She leaned it swiftly but softly at the same time and kissed me. We stayed like that. For a while. I'm not sure how long but it wasn't long enough.

She pulled away and went back to hugging me once again. "Ahem." Glimmer cleared her throat while giving me a death glare. I could feel myself blushing as I smiled at her while scratching the back of my head.

"Oh. Hey Glimmer." Adora said while smiling nervously too. Glimmer couldn't keep her smile. "Aw come on." Glimmer teleported into my cell and hugged Adora. Glimmer was facing me as she gave me the classic, 'I've got my eye on you' look.

She let go of Adora and put her hands on her shoulders. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. I'm good." Adora replied. Glimmer patted her shoulders and teleported out of the cell.

"Great. Then let's get out of these cells."

A.N~ I've been late posting lately so.. DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY!

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