Chapter 13: Interrogation

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Catra's P.O.V

"And why would I tell you anything."

"Did you not just hear the part where we said we had ways of forcing you to?"

"Yes I heard you. I'm not deaf." I turned around and banged my fist against the wall. "We're getting nowhere." I said.

"Glimmer. Do it." Glimmer nodded to me as I turned back around to see Adora becoming a bit frightened with seeing Glimmer use the same magic Shadow Weaver had.

If her magic could help solve how my mother was killed then maybe I could have something to thank her for.

"This is a truth spell. Don't bother fighting against it. Just answer the questions we ask and then maybe. Maybe we'll let you go." Glimmer said. She walked back against the wall as I assured Adora I was alright.

I walked away from everyone and leaned down to Rose's level as she was in the cell. "Now. What happened to Queen Felina?" Rose struggled to hold back what she was saying. But she finally cracked.

"I was a regular civilian. No one knew me really. I didn't have a family. I saw you and Felina one day just walking around. I wanted your life. It was perfect to me. All the love you could ever ask for and the power once you were old enough. I formed the idea to kick you out of Halfmoon. I knew Felina would go after you."

"Did Shadow Weaver take me then? What did you do?" I questioned. "I followed Felina. Out of Halfmoon. Waited until no one could see her. By then I had already arranged that you would be far, far away at the time. You were in a cardboard box. Thats how I left you. As for Felina. I got rid of her on my own. Before I got the chance, she threw her mask. I guess it got to you somehow."

I felt myself start to tear up. Rose was no family to me. "She's gone. I decided to take over before anyone else got the chance." I rattled the bars as she got close enough.

"And what happened to the King?" "King Connor? He was killed in battle. Strangely." I teared up. Rose has broke me. I pounded on the floor. I took a breath and was guided outside by Bow and Glimmer.

I had to find out if this was really true. I started looking around the town. Everyone was hiding in their homes.

I would too if I saw four random kids come into my town and beat all their guards up. I started to knock on doors. No one answered. I decided to sit down. If I couldn't talk to anyone I might as well try to think.

I saw Bow and Glimmer talking and occasionally looking at me. I could tell they were worried. I had been in this state before. But not with them. They didn't know about it.

I felt Melog rub up next to me. "Wait for them to come to you." It said to me. I decided it was right. I stayed there. Sitting for a while. Adora came up from the cell that held Rose.

Why had she lied about being my sister? Did she even know anything that she had really done? She could've been a good leader if she wasn't so power starved. I guess we had that in common.

"Catra?" I looked up to see a white cat with her ears down and blue eyes looking down at me. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked as she looked as though she recognized me.

"We talked once. A long time ago. You were only little so you probably don't remember. You've cut your hair since then." I stood up to see if I recognized her at all. Nothing came to me.

"Well anyways. I'm Chloe." I felt my eyes roll back as she said this. Yes. I remembered once Chloe had talked to me when we were really little and we played in the woods together. That was the only time I talked to her before I was taken.

"Whoa. Are you okay?" Chloe asked me as she held me up. "Yes. I'm fine I just- I remember. I'm sorry it took me so long." She smiled the familiar smile I had seen so long ago.

She went in to hug me. I felt a little uncomfortable by it but I let it happen. Adora said that I should be letting more people get close to me. I wasn't sure if she meant literally or not but either way I figured I'd go with it.

"Do you know anything about me by any chance?" I asked Chloe. She thought for a second. "Well. I know your parents were around for you. People say they may have died but no one is really sure. When you showed up the King and Queen took you in. They couldn't have kids. You were their only child. Everyone called you a princess. But then you were taken." Chloe shook her head.

Thats all she could remember. But that meant that, I wasn't even a real princess in the first place. Everyone just said I was. But that also meant that I had caused the death of the Queen. All because Rose was too jealous to let me have a good life.

But without her I wouldn't know Adora.

I excused myself from Chloe for a minute and turned around to go talk to Rose again. We were going to decide who the real leader should be.

I started walking toward the cell. Adora was standing near the opening to the stairs but she was leaning against a wall looking at something else.

I went down the stairs to meet Roses glowing blue eyes. "You shouldn't be Queen here." I said as I stomped in front of her. It pulled dust up with my stomp. She coughed while saying, "And who do you suppose should be?" I looked down as I tried to speak. No words came. "Anyone but you! Maybe even-."

I heard people coming downstairs. Adora, Glimmer and Bow all came down in a jumble to see what I was doing. "You? You killed a Queen. Why should you be one? You said so yourself you don't sound like a princess. Only princesses become Queens." I felt my jaw clench.

"I didn't kill her. Just you wait."

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