Chapter 26: Where?

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Adora's P.O.V

"Bow, please. If you know where Catra is, can you just tell me?"

"I'm sorry Adora, but I don't know where she went."

Bow walked next to me as we spoke in the hallway. I had woken up a few minutes before with the whole bed to myself.

I knew Catra wasn't there even before I opened my eyes. Having the freedom to move around never happened.

"Where's Glimmer?" I asked him. Bow shrugged as he suggested searching the meeting room and walked away.

I sighed and made my way to the room.

As I approached it, there was no one in there.

I put my hand to my head. "When is it ever that easy." I said to myself.

I walked to our room. Nothing.

Our room. Still weird to say. There was never really an 'our' with Catra and I. There was never a 'my' either. At the Fright Zone, we never even had possessions besides our clothes. We weren't assigned bunks but we always just took the same one. Catra would always yell at anyone that tried to sit in my spot if I wasn't there.

"Focus Adora." I said to myself as I snapped back to continue my search.

I looked in the kitchen and saw no one in there.

I decided to check Glimmer's room to see if she was in there because she was gone too. It felt like Bow and I were the only ones in the castle.

"Glimmer?" I called out. No answer.

"Where are they?" I said to myself. I turned around and bumped into something.

"Oh, sorry." I said as I looked up. There was no one there.

Just.. the wall.

I quickly looked around to see if anyone had seen me. When I saw there was no one around, I quickly walked away.

I went down the stairs and searched the whole floor.

No one was around apart from Bow who was in the kitchen. He didn't seem too worried about Glimmer and Catra missing.

"Why are you so worried?" He asked me.

I sat down at one of the stools to face him. "Ever since we all get separated, I don't like whenever either of them go somewhere and not tell us."

"Well, Adora, this is the first time we've been back since everything happened. And might I add, the first time they've been gone again together."

I nodded as I put my face in my hands on the table.

"Hey, no elbows." Bow said as he shooed my arms off the table as he tightened his apron.

He placed whatever he was making on the table as he wiped his forehead.

"I guess you're ri-." I was stopped mid-sentence by Bow putting his food into my mouth. "Taste that." He went to turn around but turned back to me saying, "And yes, I am always right."

Bow smiled as he turned back around.

I swallowed the food in my mouth. Bow took his apron off and put it on the counter.

"So, how was it?" I sighed. "Perfect, as always." Bow smiled and shook his head. "Good. Now, are you going to stop worrying about this or do you want me to help you find them?"

Before I even said anything Bow sighed. "Let's go."

Bow put his plate in the freezer as we both started to walk outside. "What were those by the way?"

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