Chapter 12: Takeover

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Adora's P.O.V

"Okay wait. Bow you said to have a plan before we came in here. We didn't really have one then so now before we do anything we need a real plan." I explained to everyone.

Glimmer had teleported back into her cell with Bow. She nodded along with Bow and Catra. "Well do you have an idea Adora?" I opened my mouth but I closed it and shook my head. I had to think.

"Rose. Catra, you were with her the longest. Did she tell anything? A weakness she has? Anything at all?" Catra struggled to speak but Glimmer our her hand out and said Catra's words for her.

"Rose is Catra's sister. Rose's mom, Felina was the Queen here. Shadow Weaver came in here one day and stole Catra from them. Felina has already lost her husband the year before. She didn't want to lose anyone else so she went after Catra. She sacrificed to save Catra. Rose has been weird ever since she found out Catra was her sister." I felt my mouth open as I saw Bow's was too.

"Does that mean you're a-." Catra put her hand over my mouth. "Don't say it. That means I could possibly be a leader here if we make the right impression." I smiled under Catra's hand as I moved it away from my mouth. I held onto it as I put our hands next to our side. "Okay. Well it seems like Rose has a weird bond with Catra. Maybe she should be the one to go for Rose."

"Me? What can I do?" "I can help. I have She-ra and plus I'm sure Melog would help too." Catra nodded as she patted Melog with her free hand.

"Well we can't kill her. She's still family. If I can even call her that." Bow looked up with wide eyes and took his hand away from his mouth. We all looked at him.

"What?" Glimmer asked him in a concerned tone. "How do you know Shadow Weaver killed Felina?" He asked. Catra looked confused but Glimmer answered.

"We don't really. Rose said that they had found her clothes outside the kingdom after everything had happened." "What are you saying?"

Bow looked up at Catra. "Are we sure Shadow Weaver killed her? I mean I know she was a terrible person and all but, she didn't even know her. Didn't even know you. Not yet anyways. Why would she kill your mom? Why would she take you out of all people in the first place?" Bow asked. Catra shook her head.

"Bow what do you mean?" I asked him. "Rose. What if she's behind it. What if she was just so power hungry that she killed her own mother. Maybe even her father since she said he had died the year before. All of the people might be too scared of her to question it or they might die themselves." Catra slammed her hand against the floor.

"We have to get her." "Catra we don't know if she actually-." "We capture her. Put her in the cell Glimmer and I were originally in and question her. Glimmer you can do that truth spell right?" Glimmer nodded as Catra stood up with a determined look on her face.

"Let's take down this Queen." Catra said.

~10 minutes go by~

We had gotten the ear pieces we had when we were in space. "Everyone in position?" Catra said over it. "Yes." "Affirmative." Catra scoffed as I laughed. "What? We're using ear pieces I couldn't do this when we were trying to save Catra from Prime."

"Fine. Whatever. Just stay quiet until you here the signal." Signal would be me transforming into She-ra and saying the usual words. Catra and Melog were near me as we hid behind, well, whatever we were hiding behind. She pointed behind her hiding spot. I peaked over and saw Rose looking around. I quickly went back down and nodded to Catra.

She counted down with her fingers. When she got to a first we both jumped out along with Melog as I screamed. "For the Honor of Grayskull!" I heard Bow and Glimmer get on the sides of us. They were keeping watch for Rose's guards.

Catra and Melog both pounced onto Rose. "You aren't escaping this time. Not with me in charge of you." Rose laughed. "Oh is that so?" Catra nodded as she punched her in the face. Rose was out cold.

"Okay Adora, time for you to pull out that She-ra that carried me out of Prime's ship. But if you drop her a few times, I won't complain." Catra said with a wink. I laughed as I carried Rose on my shoulder.

Guards ran out from all sides. "Guys?" Catra called. "Yeah! We seem them!" Bow yelled back. He and Glimmer went on opposite sides. "We each help each other. Got it?" I said. "Got it." They all said in unison.

I concentrated on every guard coming my way. It helped that their armor covered most of their face so I couldn't really see them when I had to push them back to knock them out. I wasn't trying to kill them. "Adora!" Catra called out to me as she threw a guard over her backwards. I grabbed the guard and threw him into a tree. With a loud groan he slid down.

I felt bad but Catra patted my arm. "That was the last one." Glimmer and Bow walked up to us as we all embraced. I realized Rose was on the ground. She had been trampled by her own guards.

"Great. Now we put her in the cell. We're not leaving until she tells us what we want to know." Catra said. "Agreed." Glimmer said. I nodded and Bow did as well. I grabbed Rose and carried her into the cell and locked her in.

Catra grabbed my hand as I turned into myself again. Glimmer grabbed a bucket of water that had been in the corner and threw it on Rose.

"I hope you're ready to tell us the truth. Or else we have ways of forcing you to."

A.N. Hi guys I hope you're enjoying my story so far. I'll be posting the first chapter of a project I've been working really hard on recently, go check it out!

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