Chapter 25: Home

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Catra's P.O.V

"You coming?" I said as I turned back to see Adora looking at me with a smile. She nodded and took my hand that I had been holding out for her.

Bow had already announced that we were going to start walking back to Bright Moon and they all were ahead of us and following the Queen.

Glimmer and Bow stayed back with Adora and I as we walked.

"Hey guys." Bow said as he punched Adora's shoulder playfully with his usual smile accompanying him.

Bow looked at Adora and then down to our hands. Adora looked up at him and shoved him. He laughed and then looked at me.

"So cute." He said to himself. I rolled my eyes and pretended I didn't hear it as Glimmer looked back at us. "Bow, Catra will beat you. You should know from all those bite marks you had last time." Glimmer said.

I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed as I walked gracefully. "So Catra, since you're a leader now, how do you feel. It's weird right?" Glimmer asked me.

"Well, I don't really feel any different." I replied. Glimmer tilted her head at me. "Really? Maybe that was just me. Then again I had to do a quest to become Queen with these knuckleheads."

Adora looked at us and then shrugged without protest. She smiled but I noticed how quiet she was being.

Glimmer picked up on me wanting to be alone with Adora and got Bow to walk a little further ahead then Adora and I.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. "Yeah I'm fine." Adora spat out quickly. "Adora.."

"When you asked if I was coming I thought back to the cave. Did I tell you about the vision I had?" She asked me.

I shook my head and she sighed. "It was us. Glimmer, Bow, me and you." She looked down and smiled. "You were hiding behind me because Glimmer was trying to comb your hair."

I chuckled to myself as I looked down at our hands. She had a habit of using her pointing finger and just tapping my hand while she was holding it.

I don't even think she realized she was doing it as she spoke. She just had an urge to do it subconsciously and she didn't even notice. It's crazy how one little thing can get me so happy.

"Will that happen?" She asked me. I looked back at her and smiled. "Of course. You're stuck with me." I replied.

Adora smiled back at me as I kissed her cheek. Glimmer looked back at me and I nodded as she and Bow started to slow down a little as we caught up to them.

Usually I'm the one having doubts. Maybe if I could prove to her that I was always going to be there for her. Always listen to her. Then she wouldn't be doubting anything.

"Hey Adora, did anything else happen in that- vision thing?" I asked suddenly. The words had just came rushing out of my mouth.

She looked at me but then looked up to think. Another habit Adora had.

"When I reached out for your hand, my hand went through and Horde Prime was there and said that wish could never happen. It freaked me out a little. It still does." Adora explained. I looked at Glimmer and she had a worried expression.

"Well he's gone now. I won't let him hurt you again." I said to her. Adora smiled and squeezed my hand as Bow and Glimmer began talking to her again.

"We're here!" "Wow!" "It's beautiful!" The crowd of people in front of us were all talking as Glimmer teleported all of us up to the front.

"Micah!" Angella yelled out to him and flew to him as she embraced him. The King stood there shocked for a moment as he looked up.

"Angie?" Was all he could seem to say. Angella smiled as she hugged him once again. Micah began tearing up as he hugged her back.

"You're alive? But how?" He asked her. "It was Catra's idea. Even if I remember her as the Evil Horde's leader, she's changed so much. And she saved me from there." Angella said as she looked to me.

I smiled stupidly as I waved at them. Micah ran to me. "Thank you so much." He said into my shoulder whilst he hugged me.

I hugged him back as Glimmer pulled everyone else into the hug and laughed.

As we all broke apart I managed to spread word that this was where we would be setting up the kingdom. Right next to the castle. Everyone cheered as Adora still hung on to my hand. She never let it go.

Finally that night we all went back into the Bright Moon castle in our rooms. Adora and I had our room together because ever since she had helped me sleep that night in the old Halfmoon, I realized I had trouble sleeping without her.

I tried to fall asleep for thirty minutes. I went outside my room to walk to Adora's and bumped into her in the hallway. She was coming to my room to come sleep with me.

I ended up moving my stuff to Adora's room so we could both go to sleep faster.

Adora's arms were around me as I felt myself drifting. I thought back to what she had said earlier. About Princess Prom and wanting another one.

It could only happen in a decade. Or whatever that meant.

But I had told her we could have our own.

I felt a smile form on my face as I fell asleep.

I had an idea.

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