Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! Welcome to our first chapter!! I hope you enjoy it! Please comment and vote! We'd love to hear your criticism.
(Mikayla's POV)

"All aboard!" The conductor yells, signaling the soon departure of the Hogwarts Express. I wasn't ready to leave, however. I haven't even given a single thought on boarding the train. I just wanted to go back to Beauxbatons, where my friends were. I don't want to go to Hogwarts. I'm going to be an outcast that nobody will like.

I clung to my mother, pleading over and over again to not make me go. She tried getting me to let go and keep quiet because I was drawing too much attention to myself, but I didn't care.

"Mikayla, get aboard the train!" I reluctantly let go of my mother and grabbed my bags. Before I completely boarded the train, I took a last look at my mother, hoping to see some type of sympathy. There was none.

I glumly boarded the train, feeling even more nauseous than before. I searched for an empty compartment, begging for one that was void of any people, I am not really feeling sociable at the moment. Before I made it half way across the train, I rammed into a hard wall. No, wait. Not a wall. A person.

"I am so sorry!" I apologize frantically. The platinum blond turned around, and from the looks of it I was in trouble.

"Watch where you're going newbie!" He snarled. I don't need this! I can't make somebody mad on the first day!

"I didn't mean to! I'm very sorry!" I said, almost in a whimper. He looked me up and down with a glare, most likely looking for some indication on which house I was in. Since he couldn't find any, he just huffed and rolled his eyes.

"You're lucky you're new," he said angrily, then walked away.

Still fazed by the encounter, I continued my search for my desired, secluded compartment. Eventually, I found one, so I quickly settled in, then grabbed my parchment and quill.

Dear Brooklyn,

Boarding the train was so much harder than I thought it would be. First off, I had to run through a bloody wall just to make it to the platform. Then, after I made it onto the train, of course I have the misfortune to run into the meanest git I have ever-

I was interrupted from my writing by a knock on the door. I look up to see a group of three people- a mousy brunette, a lanky ginger, and an attractive boy with dark, messy hair. "Do you mind if we join you? Everywhere else is full," the girl answered. I just shyly nodded my head and turned back to my letter.

- met.

"Are you new to Hogwarts?" The brunette spoke again. "Your robes don't have any identification, so I just assumed," she explained. I looked up, feeling very shy- which is strange for me because I am usually very confident and talkative.

"I just transferred here from Beauxbatons Academy. My mum thought it'd be safer for me to go to Hogwarts with all of the rumors spreading about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. My mum and I believe in the possibility of his return, and she doesn't want to take any chances," I explain, at first I was a bit shaky, but by the end I felt more myself.

"What's your name?" the ginger asked politely.

"Mikayla," I state. "And, yours?"

"I'm Ronald Wesley," the ginger says.

"Hermione," the brunette smiles, showing her white teeth.

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter."
(Scarlet's POV)

I am so excited! I love Hogwarts so much! I'm so excited to be back! Summer break is way to long!
Once I was on the train, I went into a compartment with a few other ravenclaw friends of mine, including my best friend Luna Lovegood. I sat down in the corner to use the only muggle thing I truly enjoyed: A pencil. I was halfway through my drawing when Luna asked me, "Scarlet, can I see what your drawing? I really enjoy your drawings!"

"Um,no, this one is kind of-" as I was saying this, the one person I didn't want to see right now opened our compartment door: Draco Malfoy.

"So Scarlet, what are you drawing today? Some of your usual drawing's I presume." he said in that voice of his. "Well, come on then! Lets see it!" he said, reaching out for my home-made sketchpad.

"Um, no, I can't!" I said, franticly trying to close it while not letting anyone see the picture.

"Oh come on!" he said grabbing the sketchpad and trying to pull it out of my grip. After much sruggling he finally got it away from me, and started to open it. Just as he was getting to the page I was drawing on, the Head Girl of ravenclaw walked by.

She opened the door and said "Mr. Malfoy, please go sit in another compartment, this one is obviously full! Oh, and give Scarlet her sketchpad back."

'Thank you so much!' I thought. Malfoy gave me my sketchpad back and said "I will figure out what that drawing is, I swear!" then he stalked off. Phew! He didn't see my drawing! I open my sketchpad and go to the drawing. It was of Draco, me secret crush. I haven't told anyone about it yet, not even Luna! I put the finishing touches of his hair and eyes.

(Sketch in media)

After that I went off to change into my robes, thinking about how strange it is that I'm the only person Draco calls by their first name! Then, I borrowed an extra copy of the quibbler from Luna. Then, we were off to the castle and the sorting ceremony!
What did you think?

Also, does anyone watch the TV show Reign? I've just started watching it, and I need people to talk with about it. Let me know!

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