Chapter 15

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(Mikayla's POV)

"What?" Scarlet asks. A happy smile comes to my face as I explain my idea. "It's perfect! Yay! I'm so excited!"

We both exit the common room and travel down a bunch of stair cases before we make it to the main floor. Eventually we made it to the fruit portrait. I tickled the pear and the door opened wide for us to enter.

"Mistress Mikayla!" The house elves squeaked. This was my favorite room in the castle. I found it two months ago when I went exploring Hogwarts. The elves were all so kind! Dobby was adorable, with his mix-matched socks and horrid colored scarfs.

"Hello, friends!" I shout. They all gather around me, asking questions about how my day was or if I was hungry. I answered all questions, then found my Dobby dear.

"Hello, Mistress Mikayla!" Dobby greets, smiling. I smile back, then introduce him to Scarlet. "Hello, Mistress Scarlet."

We talk for a few minutes before I remember the reason for our arrival. "Oh! Dobby! I need to give you your Christmas present!" I search through my bag, and finally found the gift. When I gave him it, his eyes grew wider than normal. The present was another pair of mix-matched socks- when I asked him a few weeks ago what he wanted, this is what he told me. One sock was purple with yellow diagonal stripes. The other one was orange, yellow, and green.

"They are wonderful! Dobby will cherish these forever!" He exclaims, hugging the socks to his chest. It's so nice seeing him smile. It warms my heart and always seems to bring a smile to my face.

"Well, Dobby. We'll see you later!" I called as we departed. When we left the kitchens, we ran into someone. Scarlet and I tumbled to the ground, along with the person we ran into.
(Scarlet's POV)

Turns out the person we ran into was Neville. We said polite apology's and greetings, then walked off. When we get back to the common room, Mikayla told me to wait here, then ran up to the girls dormitory to grab something of hers. She has all the stuff she took from upstairs plus the stuff she get from the kitchen (none of which I got to see!) in a bag of hers, and set it on the couch. Then she sat down. "So, what's the plan?!" I ask, excited.

"First, I have to swear you in! Do you swear that you will never speak of what is about to follow to any living or dead soul ever?" she asked me sternly.

"I swear," I say.

"Do you swear that you will go along with everything I ask you, as long as it does not permanently damage any structure, person, or our grades?"

"I swear."

"Then we're all set," she said, a mischievous look in her eye. "Oh, and by the way, the whole swearing you in thing was just to scare you a little," she giggles. And though I didn't admit it to her, she did spook me a little. I lightly punched her in the arm, just to show her that I was fake offended. Then she grabbed the bag.

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