Chapter 19

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(Mikayla's POV)

"Stupify," I yell, flicking my wand slightly before a jet of red light shoots out and hits my target: Neville. It knocks him to the ground, and I smile a bit before I start checking to see if he was alright. When I got to him, I saw that he was passed out. I felt really bad as I picked up the fan and tried to get Neville to come to for the third time today. I must be doing something wrong because every time I throw a spell at Neville, he passes out.

"Alright, everybody! This has been a very productive lesson. Now, we won't meet again until after break- keep track of your galleon for the next meeting day. Don't forget to keep practicing. And, have a great Christmas break," Harry said to everyone at the conclusion of our practice session.

When everyone dispersed out the doors, I shyly walked over to Harry.
"Hey, Harry, I have question for you," I start. He nods his head for me to continue. "Whenever I try practicing spells with Neville, he passes out. Does that mean I'm doing it wrong?"

He just laughs at me, so I suddenly feel very embarrassed. "It's just Neville. He gets a little nervous around you," Harry explains. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Oh," I say. "Never mind." I turn away and start to retreat but my hand was caught by Harry. I look at him confused. He glanced up for a second, then looked back at me. I looked up to see what he was looking at and all I find is green herb with small red berries hanging directly above us. I look back at him, confused.

"Mistletoe," he says, blushing. I blush as well, knowing what's supposed to happen next.

I see Harry slowly start to lean forward, myself following suit. Soon, our lips meet for the first time. I felt my eyes close in content before moving his hands made their way to my waist. I moved my arms to their spot around his neck. The kiss was perfect. Soft and subtle, yet full of love.

We broke apart after awhile of kissing so we could breathe properly. Looking up at Harry, a big smile came to my face, followed by an equally sized smile by Harry.
(Scarlet's POV)

Spring break is over now, and it's been a couple of weeks since me and Draco got caught, and his detention is over. We've kind of stayed away from each other, so as not to raise suspicion. But now I think it would be OK for me to talk to him again. The thing is, he had the same idea!

We were walking down the hallway (me towards the Dungeons and him towards Ravenclaw Tower) and we slammed into each other and fell. As we looked at each other, we both laughed hard. He got up, then helped me up. After he helped my up he pulled me into a corner to talk. There was no one in the hall at the moment, but you never know when someone might decide to come through!

"Hi," he says, smiling at me. I've gotten more comfortable with his smile now a days.

"Hi," I say, smiling back at him. "So, how are you?" I ask him. "Was your detention OK? I still haven't thanked you properly for covering for me!"

"Oh, detention was nothing! Not nearly as bad as usual! But do you really want to make it up to me?" he said.

"Yes," I confirm.

"Well, then. I have one question before you make it up to me." he said. I looked at him in a way that said 'go on! what's the question?' He breathed deep for a second, then took my hand. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked me. I thought for a millisecond, then knew my answer.

"Yes!" I said. He smiled and took another big breath. I guess that was hard for him to ask me! Then he pulled me in, and said "Now, to repaying me." Then he closed his eyes and leaned in. I did the same, and we kissed for a few seconds. Then we broke off, because we didn't want anyone to find us here.

"See you later!" he said after a minute of smiling at me.

"Bye!" I said, then we both went our separate ways.

Just as I was coming up to the Ravenclaw stairwell, I ran into someone coming around the corner. It was Mikayla. We both looked at each other and knew something big had happened to both of us. we both went into the common room to talk.

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