Chapter 12

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(Mikayla POV)

"What's wrong?" I ask a crying Scarlet. Everything inside the dance happened very quickly. First, everything was fine. Then, I heard yelling. After that, I saw an angry and sad Scarlet leave the dance. Harry knew I wanted to go help her, so he went to get us both some more punch. He's so sweet.

"He was just playing me," she mutters out. "Draco. He just wanted me to give him information on Harry."

"What do you mean?" I ask, sort of worried. How can they be suspicious of Harry already? The club hasn't even started up yet!

"I don't know," she said, annoyed. "That's not the point! He doesn't actually like me."

I stayed with her for a little while, comforting her. Harry came out to check on me not too long after. "If you don't want to stay down here, I can go to the common room with you," I offer. "I'll just need to let Harry know."

"No, I don't want to keep you from the dance," she says, drying her eyes delicately, as to not destroy her makeup. "Besides, you can't leave Harry down here. Cho's been eying him throughout the whole dance." Jealousy ran through me at the sound of Cho's name. I calmed down long enough to say a quick good bye to Scarlet and get back to Harry.

"Alright, just come and tell me if you decide to leave," I say, standing up. As I walk back into the great hall, I see Malfoy. He sees me as well and he makes a B-line toward me. "What do you want, Malfoy," I ask through gritted teeth. He doesn't even look at me, instead he looked past me to the exit.

"Is Scarlet out there?" He asks, evading my question.

"It doesn't matter," I say, getting super annoyed. Not only was he the reason my friend was out there crying, but right now, he's blocking me from my date who is currently being hit on by Miss Chang! "Just stay away from her! She's had enough heart break for one night."

I stride around him, making my way to Harry, who looked very happy to see me. I then dragged him to the dance once again.
(Scarlet's POV)

After I got back to the common room, I went upstairs and washed my face. then took my dress and put it on the very bottom of my trunk. On top of that I put my snake ring, which I never wanted to see again, and my tiara, safe on the very top of everything. Then I put on my slouch clothes (which I usually only pull out in extreme cases) and sat down to read and mope. Before I knew it, it was 11:30 and Mikayla was coming up from the dance, looking like she had the time of her life. When she saw me, she remembered what happened and sat down with me.

"How are you doing?" she asked my softly.

"Ok. I am just really mad at Malfoy." I said, calling him by his last name for the first time this school year.

"I understand. Well, what do you want to do tomorrow? It's Sunday tomorrow, so we can-" she cut herself short, like she didn't realize what she had to do tomorrow, or what she was saying. "I am really sorry." she said, then she started going upstairs to bed. Right before she made it up I called to her. She looked back at me. "Yeah?"

"I just want one thing." I said. "I want to get back at Malfoy."

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