Chapter 7

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(Mikayla's POV)

I looked up from my seat to see Harry standing in front of me with a huge blush showing on his cheeks. I flash a shy smile toward him and take his extended hand. I remember when Beauxbatons came last year for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The Yule Ball was wonderful! The great hall was decorated so beautifully. I remember going there without a date because I rejected all the offers, but having the time if my life dancing with all my friends. I hope the Twisted Sisters come again! Or maybe a muggle band!

"Are you excited about the dance?" Harry asked, grabbing my left hand and placing it on his shoulder, then taking my other hand in his as we started to dance.

"Very," I say happily. I look back to Scarlet to see her reluctantly dancing with Goyle. Aw, poor girl. I look back to Malfoy who was awkwardly dancing with Pansy. What I noticed though, wast that the whole time, he was looking at Scarlet and Goyle. Was that a glare.

"Since I have the perfect opportunity right now, being as no one else has had the chance to ask you," Harry rambled in an adorable way. I hoped this was a nervous way to ask me to accompany him to the dance. I waited for him to continue, but he was cut off by Blaise.

"May I cut in?" He asked Harry. I was mentally begging him to say no or for Magonagall to all of a sudden turn the music off and tell us to go back to our classes.

"Sure," Harry said, gritting his teeth. I looked at him as Blaise dragged me back to the middle of the floor.

"Hello, Mikayla," Blaise greeted with a smirk. I watched as Harry was talking with Hermione as she was trying to read. "You look lovely today."

"Thank you, Blaise. That's very sweet," I say, before looking back to Scarlet. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me.
(Scarlet's POV)

Ugh! Dancing with Goyle was awful! We both danced for a while, until I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around, ready to accept anyone. To my great surprise it was Draco. He asked Goyle if he could cut in, and Goyle left glumly. We assumed dancing position, and began.

"So, why did you cut in?" I asked him as we danced.

"You looked miserable!" he said. "Also, I wanted to ask you something."

"Ok, and what was that?" I asked, nervous that he would bring up the drawing.

"um...." he said, stopping. "Do you want to go to the ball with me?" I was so surprised.

"Um," I began nervously. "Yes. I will go with you," I said, trying to keep my voice calm. He breathed a sigh of relief, then he took my waist again, but we didn't stand quite so far apart as the other couples, we stood closer together, so that only one textbook could fit between us, unlike the usual 3 or 4.

I glance over at Mikayla, and she isn't dancing with Harry anymore! Now she's dancing with Blaize. I give her a sympathetic look. Harry is moping in a corner and watching her sadly. Draco and I danced the rest of the time, no one daring to cut in, for fear Draco would bite their head off. After a while, I heard Harry get up and cut in to Blaize, much to Mikayla's relief. After a while I heard Mikayla squeal, and I think now we both have dates!

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