Chapter 21

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(Mikayla's POV)

I made my way to the Room of Requirement in a hurry. I had no idea what Harry wanted, nor why he hadn't asked me his question earlier. I was secretly hoping he was going to ask me on a date or something. Maybe even to ask me to be his girlfriend. I doubt he will though.

When I made it to the particular hallway, I paced back and forth, thinking particularly about seeing Harry. A door formed quickly so I entered inside, only to find myself back in the room we have for our DA meetings. Searching for Harry throughout the room, I finally spotted him in the far corner by a long mirror. However, he wasn't alone like I thought he'd be.

In my direct vision, I saw Cho Chang snogging Harry. I blink a couple times, to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Sure enough they were still kissing.

Is this why he asked for me? Is this a way for him to show me he doesn't actually like me? That he didn't enjoy our kiss? If that was the point of this, the message was received.

I left before I could see anymore, tears already streaming down my face. I ran back to the common room, ready to just go back to bed and sleep away my troubles. By the time I made it to the entry way, I was bawling and couldn't even see straight.

"What is it that has four legs, one head and a foot?" The door asks. I wipe my eyes, trying to think the riddle through. I couldn't do it though. My mind was going crazy with different thoughts of the riddle, then Harry, then Cho. Whenever I tried to focus back onto the question, my mind just went to the memory of either the kiss between Cho and Harry, or even the kiss between Harry and I.

Finally, I just gave up with the stupid riddle and collapsed on the ground, weeping into my Ravenclaw sweater. Soon, I fell asleep, curled up on the floor with sticky stains still on my cheeks.
(Scarlet's POV)

It's 11:30 and Mikayla isn't back yet. I pace the room. I've been waiting down here for her, and I started freaking out at 10:30. I wait ten more minutes, pacing and thinking of all the bad stuff that could have happened to her. At 11:40 I finally say "I have to go look for her!" out loud, and start moving towards the door. 'But I'll get in huge trouble if I get caught!' I think to myself. 'But I have to, she's my friend." I continue, and move the rest of the way to the door. I open the door to the common room and almost step on something- wait. Someone?! I look down and Mikayla is asleep there on the stairwell! That was easy! I gently pick her up and carry her to the couch in the common room. When I set her down, she wakes up a little.

"Wha-? Where am I?" she asks, looking around. After a minute her eyes fall on me and she asks "Did you carry me in here?" I shrug in reply. "Thanks. I couldn't figure out the riddle." she says.

"Guessing by the tear stains on your cheeks, it was more that brain power keeping you from opening the door. Now tell me what happened." I say, moving to sit next to her.

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