Chapter 6

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(Mikayla's POV)

I did as Harry told me to, after class had finished. He was already there waiting for me, so I decided to sneak up behind him and attempt to startle him. Attempt. Yeah... It didn't work out. I'm not the sneaky type.

I quietly snuck up behind him, ready to tickle his sides. Before I could attack, he spun around, smiling and caught my hands. I let out a squeal of surprise as he started tickling me instead. Being the very ticklish type, I swatted at his hands and began squirming in his grip.

He finally let go of me and we both collapsed on the floor. "I didn't know you were ticklish," Harry stated, slyly. I blushed.

"I'm not ticklish," I lie. He looks over at me with his 'oh, really?' face and I automatically stand up and add some distance between us. He just laughed as he tried getting closer to me. For every step he took forward, I took a step back. He smirked suspiciously before running towards me. I squeaked before breaking into a run as well.

We both made our way outside, me still running from him. I didn't make it far before I was tackled to the ground by Harry. We were now both lying on our backs in the grass, laughing and talking. It was so relaxing and nice spending time with Harry. He was just so amazing. I guess you could say I had a crush on the chosen one, even though its only been a day. I just can't help but feel a type of connection to him.

Breaking from my previous thoughts, my head snapped up and I started frantically searching for my bag and other belongings, "Crap! I have to get to History of Magic!" I say. Harry gets up with me and helps me find my things. When I find them, I hurry to say a goodbye to Harry then head to Binns' classroom.

"I'll see tomorrow, Mikayla!" Harry calls. I turn to wave before I travel up the stairs.

After my last class, I head up to the common room and read my books.
(Scarlet's POV)

"So, what happened for you today?" Mikayla asked me.

"What didn't happen today!" I exclaim. "I'm really confused about Draco. He told me he liked my drawing, then after I said thanks I glanced at him and he was almost smiling! What should I do?"

"Well, the best course of action would probably be to find out if he likes you! But don't do it to soon, or he will get freaked out."

"Ok, thanks," I say, and I help her put the books back on the shelf. After that we go upstairs and I crawl into bed.

The next few weeks were pretty uneventful for me, I managed to avoid contact with Draco, and I got O+ on my first few tests. Then, one day in October, in between classes, an announcement rang through the castle: "Will all students fifth year and up please report to the long classroom of the third floor immeaditaly. Thank you."

I found Mikayla and we went to the classroom together. There were a lot of people in the room, so I'm glad they picked the largest classroom. After a few minutes of confusion, Professor Magonagall came in with Filch and the huge record player from the Yule Ball dance practice last year. I didn't go to the ball, I a) didn't have a date. Who would want to ask the brainiac who has never gotten below an O in her life? And b) I had to study for a huge history of magic test coming up.

'Crap. another dance?' I thought as Professor M. put the girls on one side and the boy's on another. "Now, a lot of you have been complaining about how you didn't get dates to the dance last year. So Headmaster Dumbledore had allowed another dance, and we have made this one manditory, so there is no chance that no one get's a date. Now, anyone wishing to practice now, please stand up." All of the girls execpt me stood up immeaditly, and only one boy from the other side stood, Neville. "Hurry up boys, or I will let the lady choose their partners." A few more people stood up, and I saw some walking towards Mikayla out of the corner of my eye. I chose not to pay attention, and snuck a book out of my bag and started reading.

Who knew someone would tap the top of my book, making me look up. It was, to my great suprise...
Lol Cliff Hanger ;)

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