Chapter 8

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(Mikayla's POV)

"No, not that one, the color doesn't work with your skin color. Besides, the skirt is way too poofy, and it'll make your hips look wide," I comment on Scarlet's choice of dress. She huffs in disappointment before turning back to the dress rack. Scarlet, Hermione, Luna, and I were currently dress shopping at Hogsmeade and we have had no luck. Well, Scarlet and I haven't had any luck. Luna found a... unique dress that's really cute not too long ago. And Hermione found one right after Luna.

"Don't even think about it, Scarlet," I say as she picks out another dress, "It has way too many sparkles."

"Fine," she pouted.

"You'll thank me later," I say, looking through the next rack for my own dress. A lot of dresses sparked my interest, but they wouldn't look good enough on me. The dress had to be perfect!

Right when we were about to leave, Scarlet and I simultaneously turn around and say, "This is the one!" We both laugh at each other.

"You try yours on first," Scarlet offers. I nod my head with excitement before dashing into the dressing room.

As I came out, I heard gasps. "Wow, Mikayla! It's beautiful! Harry will love it!" Scarlet gushes. I smile happily as I look at myself in the mirror. The dress was lovely.

(Dress in media)

"Alright, Scarlet! Go try your dress on now," I say after I change out of my dress.
(Scarlet's POV)

Mikayla's dress was stunning! The blue/purple of it was perfect with her rich brown hair and lighter brown eyes (lighter than mine, my eye's look black). After we gushed over Mikayla's dress for a good ten minutes more, I went into the dressing room and put my dress on. I slid on my shoes, and put on my hand made necklace. When I came out, Mikayla almost screamed.

"Oh my god! It's gorgeous!" she said, coming over to get a closer look.

"I know you all picked either blue, purple, or a mix of both, but I wanted to go off the beaten path a little."

(Dress in media in the next chapter)

"They are amazing!" Hermione said.

"They are very interesting, though I noticed you didn't pick earrings even though you have your ears pierced. Why is that?" Luna asked.

"Because, I wanted you guys' help! I want you guys to pick out a pair each, and we'll chose from there!"

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