Chapter 24

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(Mikayla's POV)

"Is he gone?" I ask Scarlet when she enters our dormitory. She nods her head before going and changing into her new dress she just got. I give her a weak smile as she excitedly spins in her gown.

"Ok, now stand up so I can see your dress," she demands. I laugh at her, as I stand up in my not at all stunning dress.

"Wow, that's an amazing dress," she states. I wipe my tear stained face, and whisper a quiet thanks. "Aw, come on, Mikayla. You aren't allowed to cry on my birthday," she scolds. I laugh at her, then walk over to the bathroom to wash my face. Then, I grabbed my make up bag and started on my make up. Scarlet followed suit and did her make up as well. By the time I was done, it looked great, like I hadn't been crying at all.

"Oh my gosh! I almost forgot," I yelled, running over to my trunk. "Here, open it!" She looked over the gift for a minute before tearing it open. The gift came in two parts. The first was a collection of bracelets. The second part was a pair of little mermaid leggings.

"This is great!" She sighed happily, giving me a big hug. "Alright, let's get down to the party!"
(Scarlet's POV)

When we get to the party, everyone except Draco is there. There is a note on the door that says 'Don't wait for me, I'll be there in a sec! -Draco'. I put on the first CD, and turn it down a little. We start off the party talking in groups. Luna Cho, Hermione, Mikayla and I are in one group and Harry, Ron and Neville are in the other. We were all waiting to see when Draco was getting here. After four songs, Draco came bursting through the door.

"Scarlet, Happy birthday! Come quick!" I was so confused, but I ran towards him, and we went all the way down the staircases until we reached the ground level. I looked around at the empty grounds, and looked at him. He smiled at me and pulled out his wand. Then, he shot white sparks out of it, way up into the air. A few second later, a whole bunch of fireworks started happening! First, there was just a normal one. Then, there was a whole string of weeping willows, which are my favorite! After that was a heart, then one magically altered to say 'Happy Birthday Scarlet!', that hung in the air for a long time. I looked at him and smiled really big. He smiled back, loosing the look of worry he had had on previously.

"Thank you so much Draco! I love it." I jumped on him in a really big hug, and he hugged me back. Then I pulled away a little so I could see his face. "I love you," I whispered quietly to him.

"I love you too!" he whispered back. Then he leaned in, and we did a fair bit of snogging, before we went up to the party again

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