Chapter 18

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(Mikayla POV)

I find a page from right before the dance and read aloud.

-I am so nervous! Not only was I supposed to spend the next few hours, dancing. But, Umbridge has forced me into asking her to join the inquisitorial squad!-

"Wait, Umbridge forced him to ask you?" I ask. Scarlet had the look of sorrow and surprise. I suddenly felt extremely guilty for coming up with the idea of making him puke- well not extremely, only slightly because he said he wanted to slap me a few chapters back.

Suddenly, I felt the journal being snatched from my grip by Scarlet. She began frantically reading the rest of the passage to herself. Throwing the book down in frustration, she started pacing back and forth ripping at her hair and pulling at her clothes.

"I have to go apologize," she states out of nowhere.

"What? No, you can't tonight! It's past curfew," I say. She starts walking out of the common room anyway.

"I don't care. I messed everything up. I need to apologize," she repeats before running out the door.
(Scarlet's POV)

I walked out of the common room and checked the hall for anyone, or any sound. There was none, so I walked all the way down to the dungeons and knocked on the stone wall outside of the slytherin common room. After a second the wall slips open and I see the person I was looking for. Draco looked at me angrly, but this time I saw the sadness in his eyes. I pulled him out into the hallway without saying anything and we went into a corner.

"What?" came his angry growl.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know Umbridge was making you ask me to join! I thought you didn't have any feeling for me at all! So I got really mad. And the whole puking thing was because of me, and I wanted to get back at you for using me! Please forgive me?" I said this all in one tumble, and on the last line I stepped towards him a little bit.

"Wait, how did you find all this out?! Do you have something to do with my missing Journal?" he asked me stepping back.

"Well, that is how I found out, but I wasn't the one to take it from you! I swear! Will you please forgive me now?"

"Alright," he said after a long pause. Then he smiled a little.

After a few more minutes of looking at each other, we heard someone down the corridor mutter, "lumos" and there wand illuminated. It was Snape.

He took one look at us and pulled us to his office. "Do you want to explain what you two were doing in dark corner at 11:30 in the dungeons?" Snape said slowly the way he does. I start to answer with a few stutters, but draco cut me off.

"Professor Snape sir, it's all my fault. I wanted her help to prank the first year hufflepuffs. I thought she could help me because she is in ravenclaw, so she would have the brains. She kept refusing to say yes, and we went back and forth arguing until you came in. And I wanted to talk with her when no one would bother us. so that is the whole story." Snape just sat there for a few minutes looking at us.

"Miss Frishman, this is your first infraction?"

"Yes sir, and it will be my last as well." that was true, I was scared to death right now.

"Well then, I will let you off with a warning miss. Please stay here until I finish with Draco though, so I can walk you both back to your houses." I sat where I was while they arranged Draco's detention. I sat thinking about how brave he was, to take all the blame for something that was my fault!

After they got that settled, we both walked Draco back to the Slytherin dorm, then Snape walked me to mine. I said a polite goodbye and stepped up to the door. I knocked on the door and the voice came again.

"What has to be broken before it can be used?" I think for a second, then get the answer.

"An egg," I say, and the door swings open.

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