Chapter 22

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(Mikayla's POV)

"Can it wait till morning? I'm knackered," I ask, sleepily. I lie my head down on the couch pillows, only thinking about how much more comfy the couch is compared to the floor.

"No," she whines. I huff out a sigh and flop into the floor in a motion of laziness. "I just want to know why you are so upset."

I felt bad, so I explain everything to her-well not everything, but I explained the kiss I witnessed between Harry and Cho.

"I don't believe it," she says. I felt the tears well up again.

"I don't want to believe it," I choke out. "But, I don't know what else to think."

I sit there for awhile, before I fall back asleep.
(Scarlet's POV)

This morning when I got up, Mikayla was still out on the couch downstairs. I guess the drama last night really tuckered her out. After I checked on her, I went back upstairs. First, I showered. Then, I used the spell Mikayla had found to blow-dry and curl my hair. I decided on a special outfit, considering it is my birthday!

I was 16! I woke Mikayla up before heading downstairs to get some breakfast. When I walked up to the ravenclaw table, all of the ravens around me shouted Happy birthday! It was so sweet! After that I felt myself be pulled into a corner by a Ravenclaw I'd never seen before. He had a hat on, and kept his face down the whole time.

When we got to the corner he finally looked up, and it was Draco. "Surprise! Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks Draco! You totally got me!"

"And here is your first of 2 birthday presents," he said. He leaned in and kissed me for a few seconds. Then we both pulled away. "I liked that present! Now what's my other one?"

"You'll find out at your party tonight!" he said, then he ran off to get out of his ravenclaw costume. After breakfast, Mikayla joined me in the classroom I was having my party in to help me set up decorations. I got cheesy Muggle balloons that say 'SWEET 16!' on them. I also set up the candles, and the CD player and CDs me parent's sent me for my party.

"So, are you still ok with me inviting Harry and Cho to my party? Because I can find some way for them not to come if you want." I say to Mikayla once we're done, and heading back up to the CR to open presents.

"It's fine," she says solemnly, "I don't want my drama to get in the way of your party." I then changed the subject to keep her from being upset.

"So, what did you get me for my birthday?" I ask her.

"You'll see!"

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