Chapter 16

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(Mikayla's POV)

"What is this?" Scarlet asks, completely confused.

"Use this key to unlock it," I explain. She does as she's told and opens up the book. Soon, her eyes grow wide in disbelief.

"This isn't," she states, thinking I'm playing her.

"It is!"

"It can't be!"

"But, it is!" I insist.

"How did you get Malfoy's journal!?" She yells, only to be shushed by me.

"It's a long story," I start.

"Just tell me!" She says.

I take a deep breath before I start explaining. "You know Pansy Parkinson?" I question. Scarlet nods. "Well, she was pissed when she saw you with Malfoy at the dance. So, after you left, she decided to come bitch to me about how much she hates you and loves Draco. While she was talking and I was half listening, I heard her say something about a journal Malfoy had where he writes down all of his 'deepest secrets' that even she doesn't know. When I asked her why she never read it, she said something about having a duty to Malfoy... I don't know. Anyway, I later thought of this evil plan, and eventually convinced her to sneak into his room and grab the journal and his key." I explain.

"We are going to read it, then vandalize it!" I finish.
(Scarlet's POV)

I open the Journal, and I find that some pages are written in red ink. That's a little weird, but ok.
I decide to start at the beginning, and I get it to the first page.

Sept. 1st, 10:30

My parents got me another journal this year. And to tell you the truth, I enjoyed using the other one.

The train ride today was kind of crazy. First, this new girl runs into me and I almost slap her because I'm so mad at Goyle.

Goyle has been telling me how much he likes Scarlet, which really annoys me.

("Whoa, so he does like you!" Mikayla said when she got to here on the page.)

So I almost took my anger out on her, but managed to control myself. Then after a while, I found Scarlet's cabin, and decided it would be OK if I talked to her, considering she was with her friends. And, unlike usual, she fought back when I tried to look at her drawing. I caught a little glimpse of an eye, but I couldn't see anything more because that stupid Head Girl told me off!

"Hold up, I cant read anymore." I said to Mikayla. "You read it to me."

"Ok," she said, and continued the passage.

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