Chapter 14

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(Mikayla's POV)

The meeting was fun, except for when that Zach kid kept interrupting. Or, when I caught Cho shooting flirty glances toward Harry. Then, I wasn't too happy.

After the meeting, I made my way to the exit- only to be stopped by Harry. "Since the meetings over, would you like to go get a Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks?" He stutters nervously. I stand in shock for a moment. Is Harry asking me out? The thought brings a smile to my face.

"I'd love that," I say, happily. Thank goodness I picked out a cute outfit to wear.

As we walked to the Three Broomsticks, I felt Harry's hand slide into mine. Blushing slightly, we both continued on our journey to the desired destination. Suddenly, I saw Draco stumbling out of the small cavern, puke showing on his chin. I wrinkled my nose, choosing to ignore him. Unfortunately, he didn't choose to ignore me.

"You!" He calls, grabbing Harry's and my attention. Malfoy looked very angry. "You came up with the idea, didn't you?" he accused. "You're the one who turned Scarlet against me!"

"Shut up, Malfoy," I scoff, attempting to walk past him, but with no use. "You're the one who brought it upon yourself! You know you deserved it! Who cares if it was my plan, Scarlet's the one who wanted to get you back!"

"You're lying!" He yells, stepping closer. That's what set Harry off.

"Get away from my girlfriend, Malfoy! Or I'll blow your head off," he threatens. I blush deeper at his choice of words. 'Is that what I was? His girlfriend?' I thought happily.

'Cut it out, Mikayla! This isn't the right time, nor place, to think about stuff like that!'

"Harry, he's just trying to egg you on," I state, annoyed that Draco was interrupting our date. "Let's just go." This time, he let us go, so we continued on our way to the Three Broomsticks.
(Scarlet's POV)

After I got back to the common room, I put my snake ring back in my trunk. After about 15 minutes Luna came through the door, which was a perfect time for me to ask her for a pair of her nargel protective earrings, because I think there really quirky and weird(in a good way)! After she said she would make some for me over spring break, I read until Mikayla got back. When she came back she took the top book from my stack (not even looking at the title) and sat next to me on the couch. "So, how was your date with Harry?" I ask her.

"Great, actually! We saw Malfoy come out of the three broomsticks covered in puke, so I don't need to ask you how your fake date went!" we both laughed and read for a while. After that we read for a long time, every once in a while giving each other weird looks when we laughed. When I finished my book, Mikayla only had a few pages left in her book, so I sat and waited. After she finished, we sat and chatted about nothing in pertictular. Suddenly, Mikayla blurted, "I want to play some game! And not a board game!"

"Ok, what do you want to play?" I ask her. She thinks for a really long time, then clicks her fingers.

"I've got it!"
The Queen continues with her torturous cliff hanging!!

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