Chapter 3

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(Mikayla's POV)

When I woke up the next morning, I was in a sort of daze. I saw the blue curtains and became confused on my location. Where am I? I knew it wasn't Beauxbatons. There were no birds chirping. No rustling leaves.

No, I was at Hogwarts, I think glumly.

I pull open the heavy curtains and look around at the other beds. Everyone else was still asleep- well then again, it was only about four in the morning. I soon cheered up, thinking of the benefits of being the first awake. I quickly ran to my trunk to grab my robes, and my vanilla scented shower kit, then headed to the bathroom. After I finished my shower, I used magic to blow dry my hair and straighten it. Even by the time I was finished, nobody else was awake. Therefore, I decided to go exploring the book shelves in the common room.

It's a really good thing I love the color blue, because everything in the common room and the dormitories was blue. The couch and chairs, the carpets, the walls. They were all shades of blue. The book shelves WERE BLUE.

As I looked through the book titles, I found a few that my interest. I grabbed one of them and started reading on the plush couch.

As I neared the end of the fifth chapter, I heard people coming down the stairs. I marked the page and looked up at my new company. It was just a few of the fifth year guys, so I went back to my book.

"Hey! New girl," one of the guys called. I looked up at him. Really? New girl? "What's your name again?"

"Mikayla," I answer, annoyed.

"Well, Im Alex," he says as though it was the most amazing thing in the world. "And this is Matt and Jeremy."

"Leave her alone Alex," Scarlet scolds while making her way down the stairs.
"You're scaring her. Come on, Mikayla. Lets go down to breakfast."
(Scarlet's POV)

"Who was that?" Mikayla asked on our way down to breakfast.

"That was Alex Rontemegro. He's the biggest ass ever! Don't listen to a word he says, and if he asks you out, don't worry about saying no. He asks every girl in every year, to go out with him, and they all say no." On our way to our seat's at the Ravenclaw table, I glance over at the Slytherin table and see Draco staring at me, but not scowling. His mouth was just a straight line.

'That's odd!' I think to myself as I sit down and grab some hard boiled eggs and bacon. After breakfast, I pulled out my list and read the timeslots for my next three classes.

8:00 AM, divination.
9:10 AM, Charms.
10:30 AM, double potions with the Slytherin fifth years.

YES! Double potions (my favorite class) with the Slytherin's! I'll make sure that Mikayla and I get a table next to Draco, if possible. Draco. 'Where did Draco go?!" I think to myself.

"My sketchbook! Crap!" I say to Mikayla, who had thankfully finished her breakfast. I pull her up from the table and run towards the Ravenclaw tower. Right as we turn the corner, I see Draco come out of the ravenclaw dormatory, with a page from my sketchbook in his hand. The page with him on it. He look's at me confused. Then he get's it, and we both turn beet red.

'Shit!' I think as I turn and run to the bathroom, with Mikayla on my heels. I go to one sink and lean on it for support. Then I start crying. After a second, Mikayla put's her hand on my shoulder and we just stand there for a minute. I soon wash my face with cold water and look at Mikayla.

"I'm not making a very good first impression, am I?" I said. Then we both laughed and headed for class. I didn't want to think about double potions at 10:30...

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