Chapter 4

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(Mikayla's POV)

I am so confused. How is that blond bully smart enough to get into the Ravenclaw common room? Why did Scarlet freak out when she saw him? Did he bully her, too?

"What class do you have?" I ask Scarlet as we walk back down the hall.

"Divination," she states. "You?"

"Care of Magical Creatures," I say sadly. Great, I think. Now, I have to be all by myself for the first hour. As we part directions, I come up with a new fear. Who am I going to sit with?

When I make it outside, I desperately look for other students so I could figure out where I'm supposed to go. I finally found a small group of people walking in the direction of a small hut.

As I got closer, I saw an older lady with a big hat standing in the front, probably the teacher. I also saw my friends, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They saw me too, so they motioned for me to join them. I made it to them just in time for class to start.

"Hello, class. As you know, I'm Professor Grubly-Plank. I will be filling in for Professor Hagrid while he is away," the lady introduced. Hermione's hand quickly shot up. "Yes, Ms Granger?"

"Did Hagrid say where he was away to?" she asked politely.

"He didn't say, now for the first class, I will be going over the safety rules," the professor explains.
(Scarlet's POV)

After Divinations and Charms Mikayla and I met up to see what we had next. "Double potions with the Slytherins," we both said at the same time. I sighed and smiled, glad I didn't have to face Draco alone. As if she read my thoughts, Mikayla asked, "So, why were you so freaked out when you saw Malfoy come out of the common room with that piece of parchment?"

I stopped walking, then pulled her into a corner to talk. "I've liked Draco for four years now. And the reason I freaked out was because that piece of parchment had a drawing of him that I did, that I drew a big heart around. So now he knows, and I will never be able to speak to him again." I said it all in a hurry than power walked towards the dungeons. Mikayla ran to catch up with me, and we were both silent until we got to Potions.

I immeaditly took the desk that was farthest from Draco, and Mikayla sat with me. "Alright students, this week we will be doing something... different," Snape said in his usual drawling tone. "We will be pairing up with a student in the other house to make a draught of living death. Now, I will pair you up. After I call your name, go sit with your partner. I'll start on the end. Miss Frishman, you will be paired with..." he said looking around. "Mr. Malfoy."

I did as I was told, only glancing at Draco for a moment. Snape finished pairing people up, and we got to work, never speaking to each other, until Draco asked if he could borrow one of my knifes. During this time I realised why Snape was always giving Draco house points. He is really careful with his ingredients, and makes sure to check his book all the time. I managed to get through almost all of potions without me and him speaking about the drawing. Right as he was stirring his potion and was about to go rinse his things, he whispered to me, "I really liked it," then he walked away.

Right when he got back I reply with a "thanks" and went to rinse my stuff. On my way to rinse, I glanced back at Draco, and he had a weird expression on his face for a split second.

'Was it a smile?'

As Professor Snape came around to check our potions. Snape looked at mine and Draco's potions and looked up at us. "It seem's Mr. Malfoy, that we have finally found someone who can best you in potions. Impressive Miss Frishman." Then he spoke to the whole class. "Attention! All of you could learn something from Miss Frishman's potion here! She has made it perfectly, and will recive 25 point's for Ravenclaw. Mr Malfoy here has made it almost perfectly, and many of you can learn from him as well. 20 point's to Slytherin." Then, I went back over to mikayla, and we left for the great hall for lunch.

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