Chapter 20

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(Mikayla's POV)

I have been sort of dazed since the kiss. All I find myself thinking about is Harry's lips on mine, the way it felt to have his hands around my waist, or the fireworks that went off inside my head afterward. I think I ran into like four walls on the way up to the common room.

When I made it up the last set of steps to the common room, I saw Scarlet. She had that look that told me she had news to share. We both sprinted in through the entrance and plopped down on the couch.

Before I could ask, Scarlet squeals and shouts, "He kissed me!" I look at her confused. "Draco kissed me!"

I smiled at her, pretending to be happy. I don't like Malfoy. I know he's just playing her. He has to be. I just don't trust him with her. He will hurt her, I know it. But, I couldn't tell her that. She'd be mad at me. So, every time she tells me what a great guy he is, I politely nod to her, and scoff inside my head.

"I'm happy for you," I say, quietly. She smiles in satisfaction.

"Ok, now what happened for you? I could see the happiness on your face a mile away. Was it Harry related?" She asked excitedly. I felt my cheeks heat up as I vaguely explained the kiss. She still can't find out about the DA meetings. "Oh, Mikayla! That's so exciting!" We both talked and gossiped for awhile before a snowy white owl flew through the door.

It landed right on my lap, causing me to jump. The owl dropped the note it was carrying in my hand, then peacefully flew away. Scarlet and I looked at each other quizzically as I opened the note.

Meet me in the ROR in five minutes. I have something to ask you.
(Scarlet's POV)

Mikayla just ran out of the Common room. What is up with her anyway? It can't all be about Harry, that's just not possible. Now that she's gone, I don't know what to do. The first thing I decide to do is to go upstairs and put on my snake ring. It still looks amazing! After that I go and grab my sketchbook and decide to do a drawing of Harry and Mikayla, and give it to her. On my way back to the CR , I glance at the calandar and realize something. Tomorrow is my birthday! I'm turning 16! I grab the list of things I will need for the party I'm throwing tomorrow night in a classroom.

1. Balloons (check)
2. Some way to play music (check)
3. A fantastic dress (check)
4. candles (check)
5. invite everyone I want to come.

I decide to write short personal invites to everyone. I go down to the house elves and ask if there is any way that they could give the letters to people in other houses. They agreed and took the letters from me. Then I went upstairs to find Luna and Cho to give them there invites. Other than them, I also invited Draco, Mikayla, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. It was a short list, but I prefer books to friends most of the time. After I get the invites out to everyone, I sit down and finally start working on the drawing for Mikayla.

Right as I'm putting the finishing touches on the drawing, it starts raining like crazy. I grab my favorite blanket from the pile and curl up on the couch by the fire to read until Mikayla gets back.

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