Chapter 13

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(Mikayla's POV)

"I don't know, Scarlet," I try to reason. "Malfoy is a tricky human being. I'm not sure you getting back at him is a good idea." She looked sad for a minute before I continued, "I do, however, know two gingers that would love a reason to pull one over on him." A smile fell on her face. The twins were sure to have some puking pastels leftover from their earlier sale. I just needed a reason for me not to be there. I had to go to Harry's meeting! I hated Umbridge's classes. And, I would get to spend more time with Harry.

"Alright, so, what's the plan then?" She asked, getting excited. I thought it over.

"How about, I ask Fred first thing in the morning for some of their puking pastels. Then, while at Hogsmeade, you meet up with Draco, telling him you changed your mind and want to join the 'quizzy' squad. Then, when he isn't looking, slip him one of the pastels in his drink," I explain, surprised at how easy it was to come up with something.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Scarlet asked, sad I wasn't a part of the plan.

"I have plans tomorrow," I cover.

"What kind of plans?"

"Plans with Harry," I state vaguely. Hopefully it'll get her to stop asking questions.

"Plans, as in," She thinks for a minute before a surprised smile shows on her face. "Like a date!"

"I don't know, he didn't really specify," I say. If she asks Harry about it and she says date, will he know that it's just a cover up? I hope so.

"Oh, shut up, Mikayla! It's a date, isn't it?" I didn't really know what to say so I just kept quiet. "Aw! Mikayla! Why hadn't you told me sooner?"

"You were just upset about Malfoy. I didn't think it would be nice to talk about Harry and I," I reply, more confident then I thought I would.
(Scarlet's POV)

Yesterday I asked one of the Slytherins to give Draco a note saying this:

Dear Draco,
I decided that my reaction was harsh, and that I still want to be with you! Will you meet me at the three broomsticks tomorrow so we can talk about the inquisitorial squad? I hope to see you there!

Love, Scarlet

I hoped that would be enough to get him to come!

Now I'm waiting at the three broomsticks, along with Fred and George hiding a little while away so they can watch the mess. That was there one condition for letting me have two puking pastels. I'm going to slip both into his butterbeer when I go to get it, if he comes!

Just as I'm thinking about leaving, Malfoy comes in. He see's me in the corner, and I give him a flirty smile.
I decided to wear my snake ring again, to trick him into thinking that I was totally back on his side. He sat down and I offered to get him a drink. He replyed with a "thanks babe!" and I was off.

"Two butterbeers please," I requested. She gave me them, and while she was getting my change I slipped the pills into his drink. I went and sat down, and made sure to give him the one with the pills. After a few sips and some small talk about the IS, he turned slytherin green. After a minute, I see him throw up, and I hear Fred and George laughing from the corner. I got up and said "that's for using me!" Then, I walked out smuggly, satisfied with my work.

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