Chapter 23

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(Harry's POV)
-Surprise! Bet you didn't see that coming.-

I can't stand Cho! She is so annoying! Hot, but annoying! First, at the dance she started flirting with me while Mikayla was checking on Scarlet. Then, at the introductory meeting for DA, she was looking at me funny and glaring at Mikayla- which I really didn't appreciate. And, of course yesterday! Don't get me started on what happened yesterday! While I was waiting for Mikayla to meet me in the ROR, she followed me and when I wasn't prepared, she KISSED ME! Can you believe it! She had the nerve to kiss me! I'm kinda glad Mikayla didn't end up coming down, because if she saw that, it would ruin any chances of her being my girlfriend! I can't even imagine what she would think if she saw Cho kissing me.

Slowly, I made my way up the million steps to the Ravenclaw common room. I knocked, waiting patiently for someone to come to the door. A minute later, the door opened up to reveal Mikayla. I smile at her, memories of the kiss coming back. Our kiss. I smile bigger. She just looks at me, sadly.

What did I do? The smile leaves my face instantly. "What's wrong?" I ask. A single tear fell from her eye before she stalked away from the door.

"I'm going to give you your present later," she whispers to Scarlet. "It's harder than I thought it would be. I'll change then come down for your party later on, ok?" Scarlet nods, and Mikayla raced up the stairs.

I walk over and sit beside Scarlet on the couch, handing her my gift. She quickly unwrapped it and smiled at my attempt at a decent gift. "Thank you," she says, looking over the muggle book set I got her. It had something to do with vampires, I guess. My eyes were still trained on the stair case where Mikayla had gone moments before. "She saw," Scarlet states.

"What?" I question confused.

"She saw Cho and you kissing," she answers.
(Scarlet's POV)

"Really?" he asks.

"Yeah. She's really mad at you," I said.

"I have to fix this. I'll see you later," he mutters. "Oh, and here are Ron and Hermione's gifts!" he threw their gifts at me then left.

Their presents were both great! Ron got me a necklace with the word 'nerd' on it. I looked at it and laughed, thinking of our running theme. every time I see him, I call him weasel and he calls me nerd, in the joking way. Hermione's gift was a little more me. a) she gave me pencils, which I love so much! And b) she gave me a pair of wedges.

I have to make sure to thank both of them heartily at my party. After that, I opened my present from Luna (a cute pair of earrings that the note said to be made from river pebbles) and Cho's gift (which was another book, this one about werewolf's). Last but not least was the gift from my parents. It was a huge box wrapped in pink tissue paper. I tore off the tissue paper and saw the most georgous dress you can ever imagine.

After that gift, I ran upstairs to change into my new dress and go down to my party.

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