Chapter 2

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I'm too lazy to keep talking... Sorry:/
(Mikayla's POV)

After conversing with my new friends for a bit longer, the train pulled to a halt. All the nerves that were forgotten, came back in full force. As everyone was leaving, my heart sped up and I couldn't move.

Before Hermione left, she turned to check on me. "Are you coming?"

I look up at her, surprised that they didn't just leave me, then shakily nodded my head. I quickly gathered my things then headed off with her by my side, telling me all about the sorting ceremony and the different houses. I wish I could be in Gyffindor, with my new friends, but I wasn't brave or courageous.

"No matter which house you're given," Hermione continued, "We need to hang out still!" I smiled at how kind she was. I hope the people in my house are as nice as she was.

"Ah! There y'are," a huge man bellowed from in front if me. He is very tall, giant even, and had hair everywhere. His dingy clothes had stains of blood and food grease. Over all, he scared me.

"Hagrid, you're scaring her," Harry laughed.

"Sorry 'bout that. Dumbledore told me to take ya ter the Great Hall with the firs' years," the giant, Hagrid, explained. I nodded, disappointed that I couldn't walk with Ron, Hermione, and Harry.

"Well, off we go!" Hagrid steps in front of me and leads the first years and I to the boats.
"Mikayla Trimpey!" The emerald witch, Professor Magonagall, calls from the front of the hall. Being the only transfer student, I was the last to be called. I looked down at the ground during my walk to the stool. As I made it there and took a seat, Magonagall placed the dirty hat on my head.

At first, there was nothing. Then, there came a grouchy voice "hmm"ing and "ah"ing as the hat scoured through my brain. "Definitely not Slytherin. And, Hufflepuff doesn't seem right either," the voice discussed to itself. "I see you made some friends in Gryffindor, but your traits don't match the required traits for that house," my heart sank realizing I wouldn't be able see my only friends as often as I hopped.

"There is one more house and it seems you are perfect for it. Don't worry about it dear, you will make many friends in all of the houses," the hat assured before yelling out, "RAVENCLAW!"

My robes changed so it had the blue color dressing it up. I looked for the Ravenclaw table, which wasn't hard to find- it was the table with the most people cheering. I also saw Hermione, Ron, and Harry clapping at their own table. I smiled, relieved that the sorting was finally over, and walked over to the table of blue and silver.
(Scarlet's POV)

The sorting ceremony was going well, and I was excited for the feast! There was only one name left, and the girl wasn't a first year. She was obviously a transfer, and she looked about my age. I made sure to sit towards the front of the table so I could great all of the new Ravenclaws, as usual. There was one seat left at our table, and it was next to me, so i got ready to greet her as the sorting hat called out "RAVENCLAW!" I started cheering like crazy as she came over to our table and sat down next to me.

"Hi Mikayla, welcome to Ravenclaw! Wit Beond Measure is man's greatest treasure!" I said, using the traditional greeting.

She looked at me a little funny, but laughed and said "Hi! What's your name?"

"Scarlet," I say.

"That's a nice name," she smiles.

"So, Mikayla, do you think you'll like it here?"

"I hope so!" she says. Then Professor Dumbledore made his usual speech about how the forbidden forest is off limits, and then the feast begins!
I know exactly what was to appear in front of me, so I reach out to the right to grab a turkey leg. Mikayla was startled when the food appeared, but laughed and took a turkey leg as well. After dessert, everyone was so stuffed that we all walked slowly back to our common room. I got up to the door and knocked.

"I am the Beginning of the end, I am the end of time and space, I am essential to creation and I surround every place. what am I?" the voice says.

"The letter E." I say without hesitation. The door swung open and I walked straight towards the girls dormitory stairwell. Mikayla followed me, amazed, as we went into the bedroom and got ready.

"So, was your first day good?" I ask Mikayla.

"Definitely!" she says in the bed next to mine.

"Well then, let's sleep!" I say, and we both fall into a deep sleep.

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