Chapter 5

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(Mikayla's POV)

I hated double potions. Goyle is an obnoxious git that wouldn't quit hitting on me. Seriously, I was ready to pour his draught on his head. He wouldn't shut up, and he totally violated my personal space. The entire class I was just trying to focus on the stupid potion.

I felt bad for Scarlet though. I mean, first of all, to have feelings for Malfoy must be really hard. Then, to have to sit with him after what just happened had to be worse.

After lunch we headed to Defense Against the Dark Arts, which we had with Gryffindor. A plump lady in a horrid pink outfit stood in the front of the room, pursing her lips in a stern way. I took a seat next to Harry, Scarlet soon sitting beside me. When I sat down, Harry looked up at me and smiled.

"How has your first day been so far?" He asks.

"It's been fine," I answer. I would've said more, but the overly pink lady was about to begin class.

"What class do you have next?" He whispered.

"Free period," I whisper back. He smiles, showing he had the same, before we both turned to the front.
I hated DADA more than I hated potions! Professor Umbridge is a joke! All we did throughout class was read the stupid 'Ministry Approved' textbook. I've read the whole book, and trust me, it teaches you nothing. It's a book for first years! And, the whole 'no wands' thing just ticked me off. I mean, this is Defense Against the Dark Arts, not History of Magic! We learn about doing magical spells. How are wands not needed?

I am glad Harry stood up and defended himself in front of Umbridge, though I was very sad when he was taken out of class. Before he left, he whispered in my ear, "Meet me in the entrance hall after class."
(Scarlet's POV)

After Defense Against the Dark Arts, Mikayla split off for her free period. I was taking to many classes this year that Monday was the only day my school day didn't start at six! I didn't have another class with Mikayla for the rest of the day, so I went off to arithmancy, my second favorite class. It went as usual, and so did transfiguration, though I was the only one who managed to turn my stick into a snake. Then Muggle study's, where we did experiments to try and find the function of a rubber duck. After that was dinner by myself, because Mikayla had a different class schedule. then it was History of magic, in which I was the only one taking notes, and well, awake! Then stargazing, which I think is not a very important class, but it was fun all the same!

After all that, at 9:30, I got back to the common room to see Mikayla sitting on the couch with a stack of books beside her. I go and sit beside her, and she notices me, and put's down her book.

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