Chapter 25

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(Mikayla's POV)

After Scarlet left, we just continued talking. Our small group was carrying on a conversation about our favorite books. I didn't speak much, for fear of crying, but I was giving Cho a glare every time she drew attention to herself. When it came Hermione's turn to talk I felt that someone was behind me. I didn't look to see who it was, because if it was Harry... Scarlet told me I can't cry anymore. After awhile, the mysterious person behind me tapped my shoulder. This time, I knew it was Harry; I could feel the warmth in his touch that is always there.

This time I do turn around, and as I suspected, Harry was standing in front of me. Fighting back the tears, I quietly hiss out, "What?"

He look surprised for a moment, then came a look of hurt. "Can I talk to you? Outside?" He asks calmly. I shake my head no, before going back to the book conversation. This time, instead of being patient, he grabs my hand, pulling me out of the group. When I am a good distance away, he throws me over his shoulder and carries me out the door and to another vacant classroom.

"What are you doing?" I shout angrily as he gently places me on the floor. After I stand up, he quickly hands me a red rose. Now, I'm confused. "What is this?"

"It's a rose I picked from one the flower bushes by the lake. I remember last month, when we were walking around the castle, you said that they were the prettiest flowers you'd ever seen," he explains. "So, I got the prettiest flower, for the prettiest girl I know."

While he was explains, I suddenly think of all the reasons I love him. He's sweet and romantic. He tries to act strong for me, even though I know he isn't. He's cute- which is really just a bonus to everything else. And, the way it felt to feel his lips on mine. As I visualize our kiss in my head, the picture morphs into something else: Cho and Harry kissing. This then reminds me why I was mad at him. The smile that had previously formed, fell dramatically.

"I saw you kissing her," I state simply. He sets down the rose and takes both of my hands.

"I didn't kiss her, Cho kissed me." Harry goes through explaining how the kiss came about.

I felt horrible. But, I was also still very angry. This time, not at Harry. How could Cho do that! She kissed him, and made sure I saw it! That's just low.

"Am I forgiven?" Harry asks. I look at him, he's holding the rose again. I smile at him before nodding. He smiles triumphantly, and starts to lean in. I let him and we stay there snogging for awhile.
(Mikayla's POV, continued)

"Expecto Patronum!" I hear random shouts all around me, along with lightning blue creatures that are almost ghost-like running around. I start feeling discouraged when I see mainly everyone has conjured one but me. I try thinking of all the good books I read. No patronus. I think of the friends that are back at Beauxbatons that haven't been owling me. No patronus. I even thought about meeting Scarlet for the first time. Still no patronus.

I finally come up with a gathering of memories that might help me produce a patronus. I focused in on one particular memory from the group and said the words. "Expecto Patronum!"

Blue light shot out of my wand, forming to look like a huge lion. The animal stood tall and let out a mighty roar, shaking the walls of the Room of Requirement. Everyone looked at me, surprised. Believe me, I was probably more shocked than they were. I mean, a lion? Aren't lions supposed to be a symbol of the brave. Have you met me? I'm anything but brave. The lion roared again, but this time, it was facing the wall. The room shook again, but it wasn't because of my patronus.

The next couple of events happened very quickly. The wall was busted open by Umbridge. The Inquisitorial squad came in and grabbed everyone. Then, we were taken to her office.

Currently, we are trapped in her pink room of torture. Blaise was holding onto my hands with one hand, while the other was on my hip, slowly getting closer and closer to my butt.

"Hands off, Zambini!" Harry yelled from his seat on the chair. Umbridge has been interrogating him for the last ten minutes. Suddenly, Umbridge threatens to use the Cruciatus curse on Harry and flip out.

"You can't do that!" I screech, struggling in Blaise's tight grip.

Out of nowhere, Scarlet rushes in, only to be grabbed by Draco. Her eyes grow wide and she starts freaking out. "What's going on?"

More time passes and we all find ourselves in the department of mysteries, surrounded by death eaters. We fight for a bit, then fall down a long hole. Again, I find myself trapped, only this time, by daddy Malfoy. His bedazzled wand was pressed to my throat as he threatened to kill me if Harry didn't hand over the prophecy. He eventually handed it over-even though I begged him not to- and Lucious let me go. More fighting occurred, some guy died, and Harry disappeared.

In the end, we lived happily ever after... Except for Sirius.
The End... Sorry that it was a quick ending, and a sad one... But that's how we decided to end it.

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