Chapter 17

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(Mikayla's POV)

"Ok, continuing on." I say turning the page.

- After not seeing Scarlet's drawing, I couldn't think straight for the rest of the day. So, I flirted with one of the fourth year Ravenclaws long enough to convince her to lead me to their common room. I then levitated up the stairs and grabbed the sketchbook, desperately searching for the latest drawing. Not even looking at it until later, I quickly dash out of the room, down the stairs, and out of the common room. Of course I run into Scarlet!

Anyway, when I got back to my dormitory, I looked at the parchment in suspense. You'll never guess what it was! A sketch of me!

She likes me! She really likes me!-

"Aw! Scarlet!" I coo. Her face is as red as a tomato. "Ok, you read the rest!"
(Scarlet's POV)

Mikayla handed the book to me and I riffled through a few pages to when he wrote about the first double potions class we had.

-I was really excited about the double potions we had today, but I was a little worried. What if she hated me for looking at the picture? When we got there, Snape paired us, of all the people, to work together. I was really excited, but still worried. Through the whole class I was working up the courage to tell her that I liked the drawing. During the lesson however, all I could muster was to ask to borrow her knife. Then right at the end I whispered to her that I liked it. Then, I retreated before she could slap me or anything. on her way back from rinsing her things, she said thanks, and I relieved. I even smiled for the first time in public for 5 years! She noticed me and was freaked out, so I stopped.-

Through the whole time I was reading, Mikayla kept aweing at what he was writing about me. I have to admit it was kind of sweet. But it still didn't make up for him using me. Then I stopped reading, and let her have a turn, because she obviously wanted to read a specific part. She riffled through the pages for a while until she found the set of pages she wanted. Then, she began to read.

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