yang yang - practice room

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word count : 694


"hello," you opened the door and popped your head inside the room. everyone looked at you and smiles appeared.

"y/n!" jaemin jumped up.

"hey there y/n!" doyoung greeted.

"can i come in?" you asked.

"of course, of course," johnny spoke and gestured you to walk in.

you opened the door more and walked in. the door closed by itself.

"are you waiting for yang yang?" taeyong asked when you sat down next to him.

you nodded your head, "he said he was on his way with the rest of them," you answered. "have you guys been here all day?" you turned your head to look at yuta.

"yea, we've just been rehearsing and cleaning our dances," chenle answered as he stood up.


"did you have work today?" doyoung asked.

you nodded you head, "mhm. i just got off."

"how is it at kbs? you like it?" mark asked.

"it's nice to be at. everyone is super nice to me," you answered. "they even offered me to go out to dinner with a whole bunch of people tomorrow night," you mentioned.

"y/n is already doing a great job!" tae il laughed and so did everyone else.

after some time talking with everyone, nct dream ran through "we go up" and "go" (with lucas joining in for absolutely no reason). you just sat against the mirror and waited for wayv to show up.

although music was blaring, you were really tired from working today. without realizing, your eyes closed and your head leaned to the side. but then, someone grabbed your side and leaned you the other way so your head was leaning on someone's shoulder.

"hi y/n," you heard yang yang's voice.

"hi," you managed to quietly speak.

"hey, come up here," yang yang said and pulled you into his lap. you rested your head on his chest while he hugged you tightly. "you're really tired aren't you?" he asked. you nodded your head. yang yang leaned in, "you didn't have to wait for me," he said and kissed your head.

"you told me to come here so we could we home together, doofus," you responded and he kissed you again.

"whoops, i forgot," he chuckled.

the music ended and you heard nct dream crash to the ground from dancing so much.

"hey, i want to see "turn back time"!" yuta yelled, which caused everyone else to chant "wayv".

"yang yang, come on," kun called yang yang to dance.

"do you see the situation i'm in?" yang yang asked kun.

"go, dance," you said to him and opened your eyes. you rubbed them and got off of yang yang's lap.

"y/n, you're supposed to hug me to death so i don't have to dance," yang yang whined. winwin and hendery came up to him and pulled him into the center of the room.

"i love you," you made a heart with your hands and leaned your back against the mirror. yang yang finally stood up and wayv showed the dance to their new song.

everyone cheered and of course you cheered for them. yang yang threw in an occasional heart for you which you dramatically caught and laughed off.

once they finished, yang yang returned to you and hugged you tight.

"can we go home yet?" you asked.

"i'm sure we can get out of here," yang yang said and stood up. he pulled you up and looked at the guys, "i'll see you guys tomorrow. we're going home."

"we still need to run some stuff," ten mentioned.

"i'll make sure i'm here early tomorrow then," yang yang responded.

"alright, alright, you guys go," kun said and gestured us to leave.

"unfair! i want to leave!" lucas whined.

"not until you run "boss" and your other dances," jaehyun spoke up.

you and yang yang left the room and yang yang held your hand. "did you have a good day at work?" he asked. you nodded once. "next time, go straight home if you're tired, okay?"

"i don't mind coming here, yang yang," you said to him and squeezed his hand. "i love you."

"i love you too y/n."

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