jeno - photoshoot

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word count : 659


cameras continued flashing as you posed differently. you continued until all of the flashing stopped.

"okay, we got enough photos for this set," the photographer spoke. "we'll continue in fifteen minutes on the next set," she said.

you stepped off of the set and started heading to your assigned dressing room.

"hey, y/n!" you head someone call for you and looked around. you saw a familiar face jog up to you.

"jeno!" you gave him a hug.

"how's it going?" he asked you.

"i'm doing good. how have you been?" you asked.

he shrugged his shoulders, "eh, same as usual. always at a schedule. but it's great to you." he brightly smiled at you.

"it's great to see you too. are you here for the photoshoot?" you asked him.

jeno nodded his head, "yup, i am. guess i'll see you on set in a bit."

"okay," you nodded and he walked away while waving. you waved as you entered the dressing room.

you changed into the next outfit, and a stylist helped you zip up the dress you were wearing while a makeup artist changed some of your makeup on you. strands of your hair were fixed, and the clothes you were wearing were straightened out.

the break ended and you left the dressing room. you walked to the next set and waited for the photographer to call you into the set.

"woah, you look good, y/n," you heard jeno's voice. you turned to him as he walked over to you.

"you look good, too, jeno," you complimented him with a smile.

"y/n, jeno, come over here," the photographer called you over, along with the rest of the models. you stood altogether and posed for a photo. after posing differently and having different photos taken, all of the models, with the exception of you, went off the set.

"that jacket doesn't match well with the set," you heard one of the staff members mention.

"yea. could someone take the jacket?" the photographer asked. a stylist walked to you and took your jacket before going off of the set again. you looked into the camera and smiled while posing. many photos of you were taken of you.

at some point, jeno had joined you on the set and both of you sat of the ground with your backs to each other. more photos were taken of you while sat on the ground.

"okay, both of you can stand up now," the photographer says. jeno stood up first and offered your his hand.

"thank you," you smiled and stood up.

"no problem," jeno replied and let go of your hand.

"okay, thank you. you two can get changed," the photographer said.

both of you went off set. "see you once i get changed," jeno said to you as you two walked to your dressing rooms.

"see you in a bit," you smiled and went into your dressing room.

you changed into another dress and switched from flats to a pair of heels. your hair and makeup were fixed before you stepped back outside.

the room was pretty chilly so you held your arms while waiting for the next set. while waiting, you felt something out on your shoulders. you looked and saw jeno standing next to you and a jacket over your shoulders.

"you looked like you could use it," jeno said to you.

"oh, you should wear it," you said to him but he shook his head.

"you're cold. wear it. i'll take it back when it's time for me to take more photos," he said to you. "so, you doing anything later today?"

"today? no, i'm not. are you?" you asked him.

"nah, i'm done after this," he mentioned.

"want to get a coffee?" you asked him.

he smiled, "yea, sure. i know a good spot to go to. it's my favorite place to go to. let's go to it."

"okay, that sounds great," you nodded.

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