ten - dinner

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word count : 489


"babe, i'm here! ready to leave?" ten yelled from the front door.

"i'm in the kitchen!" you yelled, and then you heard ten sprint into the kitchen.

"what are you doing?" ten asked and you faced him.

"i'm cooking dinner," you simply explained.

"y/n, both of us can't cook. why do you think we go to the dorm every night? to eat kun's cooking," ten sighed.

"i thought i'd give it a shot," you said to him and pouted. "am i not allowed to try?"

"of course you can, baby, but both of us suck at cooking," he said and walked up to you. "what are you making?" you asked.

"i'm not really sure," you answered.

ten deadpanned, "you don't know what you're making? babe, you have got to be joking." then, he sighed, "i'm texting kun and telling him that we'll be there late."

"hang on, chitta!" you said to him and turned the stove off. "come here," you instructed and he hesitated before walking up to you. "try it."

"shouldn't the chef try her cooking before the customer?" he asked before grabbing a spoon.

"oh, you're right," you replied and ten handed you a spoon. both of you scooped up some of the food you made and tried it at the same time.

you coughed and ten went to the trash can to spit out whatever you made.

"i'm going to start the car," he said and threw the spoon into the sink.

"i'll go change my clothes," you said and threw away whatever was in the pan into the trash can. you put all of the dirty utensils into the sink before leaving the kitchen.

you went to your room and changed into fresh clothes. then, you grabbed your coat and left the room. you went to the front door and slipped on a pair of sneakers before heading out of the house. you got into ten's car, and he immediately drove out of the driveway.

"the next time we move, we should just somehow find a house without a kitchen," you said to ten.

"we can still have a kitchen, we just need to hire a personal chef," ten replied. he drove to the dorm and parked his car next to kun's.

both of you got out of his car and went into the dorm, where all of the guys were eating in the living room.

"nice of you to finally join us," kun sarcastically spoke.

"did you really try to cook, y/n?" xiao jun asked.

"she tried to cook? she's as bad as winwin!" lucas laughed.

"can't blame me for trying," you said and took your coat off.

"let's be real, the only person who can cook is kun ge," xiao jun said while grabbing his cup.

"can't you just be supportive of me?" you asked.


"not really."

"you tried cooking eggs in the toaster oven, so no."

"shut up, kun."

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