haechan - party

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word count : 933


"seojoon, don't run too fast! you need to be careful, you might bump or hit something!" you called out.

"okay noona!" seojoon said and ran off with a few kids.

"y/n, you don't need to stay here. i'll watch seojoon for you," the mother of the seojoon's friend approached you.

"seojoon's mom wants me to make sure he's okay and doesn't need his medicine. and i don't mind being here at all. maybe i'll go play with the kids or something," you said to her.

"alrighty, if that's what you want to do," she responds. "oh, my nephew is someone around here. he's about your age."

"oh okay, thank you for letting me know," i say. the mother walks away and i walk into the area with all of the inflatables. you looked around and saw seojoon climbing through an inflatable course. you walked along the course while watching him. seojoon reaches the end first by diving out of the end, "good job seojoon!" you praised him.

he noticed you and smiled brightly, "thank you y/n noona!" he said and grabbed your hand. "come play with us, y/n noona!" he said and dragged you to another inflatable.

"you go have fun, okay seojoon?" you said and he frowned.

"please noona?" he asked.

"okay fine, but only for a few minutes," you said to him.

"yay!" he cheered and got into the inflatable castle. you took your shoes off and set them to the side. then, you climbed into the inflatable castle and started jumping with all of the kids.

you laughed and watched the kids play. all of a sudden, someone bumped into you and you fell.

"are you okay?" a guy asked you. he looked like he was about your age. you stood up and nodded your head, "sorry about that."

"oh you're fine," you responded and looked for seojoon. "seojoon! be careful!" you repeated and seojoon slipped on the plastic.

"i am!" seojoon responded.

"are you his sister?" the guy asked you.

"no, i'm his babysitter. i have to keep an eye on him because of his medical condition," you explained.

"my little cousin is the birthday boy," he pointed to another boy. "i'm haechan," he introduced himself.

"y/n," you introduced yourself. "nice to meet you, haechan."

"nice to meet you too," haechan smiled at you.

suddenly, you feel someone pull your pants legs. you look down and see seojoon and a few kids, "what is it?" you bent down a bit.

"play with us!" seojoon yelled and some of the kids grabbed you and haechan. you two were pulled towards the center of the inflatable, but you slipped on the plastic.

you sat on the floor of the inflatable while the kids played and jumped around.

"you okay?" haechan asked and sat down next to you.

"yea, i'm fine," you replied. you watched the kids run and jump around.

"guys! be careful in here!" haechan said to the kids.

"we know that hyung!" one of the boys responded.

after a few minutes of watching the boys play, they ran out and went to another inflatable.

"they're full of energy," you commented.

"tell me about it. my cousin never stops moving. my aunt always has me babysitting him whenever i'm free," haechan mentioned. "and he definitely wouldn't stop until he passes out tonight."

you stood up and climbed out of the inflatable with haechan following you.

"where are you going?" he asked you. you put your shoes back on.

"i'm going to watch them," you said.

"hey, why don't we sit down for a bit? i'm sure seojoon will be okay," haechan offered.

"i'm supposed to—"

he grabbed your hand, "he'll be fine." he smiled and you smiled back. both of us walked out of the inflatable area and sat down at a table. "what do you do? like as hobbies?"

"mmm... i dance," you answered and haechan's eyes lit up.

"really?!" he asked.

you nodded, "i'm a ballerina."

"woah, that takes a lot of work, doesn't it?" he asked. "you must be in a lot of pain."

"tell me about it," you laughed it off. "do you dance?" you asked.

"yea, i'm in a group called nct," haechan answered.

"nct?" you repeated.

"mhm. you've never heard of us?" he asked.

you shrugged your shoulders, "i'm not sure. maybe i have. i don't really listen to any pop music."

"so you only do ballet? what about other types of dancing? hip-hop?" he asked.

you shook your head, "believe me when i say this. i can't do hip-hop."

"whaaaat? i don't believe you," haechan spoke in astonishment, which made you laugh. "we need to have a dance battle!" he stood up.

"maybe in a studio, definitely not here," you responded and haechan sat back down.

"i'll hold you up to that promise," he said with a smile.

at the moment, seojoon ran up and grabbed your arm, "y/n noona! we're about to have cake!" he exclaimed.

"okay, okay, let's go," you said to seojoon. you and haechan stood up and started walking back to the party area. you held seojoon's hand as you three walked.

"y/n noona, can i ask you a question?" seojoon asked you.

"of course you can. what is it?" you replied.

"is haechan hyung your boyfriend?" seojoon asked and you immediately shook your head.

"haechan is noona's friend, not boyfriend," you said to him.

"but i am a boy friend," haechan piped in the conversation.

you rolled your eyes, "ignore him. come on seojoon, let's go eat cake."

"yay! cake!"

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