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Y/n and Kairi have been friends for 3 months now. They facetime every night. But they're friendship stays on facetime. Y/n and kairi both go to passaic valley high but they're total opposites. Kairi is the popular , tiktok famous boy who evryone gets along with. Whereas Y/n is quiet and is a part of what the whole school calls "the loners". The loners consisted of Y/n, Hector, Aliz, Lani and Pule. People would constantly pick on the loners but it never bothered them. Y/n and Kairi knew each other inside and out. They would always tell eah other everything no matter how baad it was. They never judged each other they just sort got each other. They would help each other get through they're problems and just be there for each other. Mattia and Alejandro would bascially bully Y/n's whole group. Kairi would always try and stop them but then they would pick on him (playfully) for standing up for "the loners" Kairi would apologise everytime the boys did something to the loners over facetime. And y/n would say they same thing everytime "its not your fault!". Hector had a little crush on y/n but he never told anyone and never showed it because he was too shy. He has a pretty good sense of humour and would stick up for the girls when he had to. Pule is also very shy, she's really pretty and has the voice of angel. Pule also has a crush on kairi which everyone in the group knows about (including y/n). Aliz is also super super shy, she doesn't talk to anyone other than "the loners" and struggles to stick up for herself. Aliz has a lot going on at home, her dad abuses her and her mom is usually drunk or out which means she has to take care of her 5 year old brother and sister (twins) most of the time but she still manages to study alot and get straight A's. Aliz is really pretty too and has the cutest dimples. Lani looked like she didn't belong in "the loners" she is really bold and wears whatever she wants, she has alot of friends and bascially talks to everyone. She's always really happy and she's really funny. Y/n is quiet but she's never too shy to stick up for herself or her friends. She's really close with Hector, Pule and Aliz but she noticed that Lani has been distancing herself from the group lately but she thought nothing of it. Then you have "the nj boys" well thats what they're fandom call them. First you have Mattia, he's really tall and really hot. Every girl is literally in love with him. He's very problematic and is basically a bully. He always talks back to teachers and is failing evry class. Then you have Alejandro, if the girls aren't in love with Mattia then they're in love with Alejandro. He's really cute, he has the cutest smile and he also has dimples. He's doing ok in school and is basically Mattia's little side kick most of the time. Then there's Kairi, He's pretty cute too but most of the girls go for Mattia or Ale. He's doing pretty good in his classes but we all have that one class that we can't stand and Kairi's is pre calc. He's the nicest out of the boys and pretty much gets along with everyone. (also is secretly bsfs with y/n) Then there's Alvaro, he's pretty cute too, he has a couple of girls that chase after him. Alvaro's pretty nice too but he thinks he's all that and posts alot of fuckboy-ish pictures on his snapchat. Then there's Robert. Robert is super sweet and taks to everyone , he can be a dick to his best friends but other than he's a really nice guy who everyone likes. Then there's Roshuan, Roshuan is really funny and never fails to make everyone laugh. He's really sweet and loves to just have fun. Then there's Taylor, Taylor is really pretty and really sweet. She always does realy good in all her classes and is bsfs with Kairi,Robert,Mattia and Vic. Which leaves us with Vic. Vic is also super sweet and does really good in her classes. She is Alejandro's ex but they ended things on good terms and now are kind of friends. 

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Author's note:

Im completely new to this so please dont attack me lmao. im also realising i use "basically" wayyy too much but this is only the intro. I hope you enjoy this story and have a good day!

P.S. thanks to Raya for the inspiration ily bitch

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now