Part 56

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Pink confetti burst out of the balloons and filled the air around them. It's a girl! Mattia wrapped his arms around Nessa and teared up. Everyone gave the couple hugs and congratulations before sitting back down and talking a little more.

"Who wants cake?!" Nessa asked as she looked around at her group of friends.

"Me!" Alvaro said getting up from his chair and streching.

"Of course you do Alvaro, that's all you came here for" Y/n said also getting up. Everyone surrounded Nessa as she cut open the cake and put some one a plate revealing its bright pink sponge. Y/n heard a knock at the front door and furrowed her eye brows she removed her hand from Kairis and walked into the house. She opened the door and saw Celia, she frowned.

"Um, what are you doing here?" Y/n said not fully oprning the door. Celia pushed the door open and barged past Y/n.

"This" Celia said as walked to the garden, Y/n following her. Kairi frowned when he saw Celia and looked at Y/n with a confused look, Y/n shrugged her shoulders.

"Everyone, Me and Kairi are together and have been sleeping together for more than 5 months" Celia said standing in the middle of everyone.

"Wtf, no we haven't" Kairi said looking at Y/n who didn't know whether to believe him or not.

"Come on Celia, we know your obessed with him but this is too far" Alvaro said as he walked her out of Y/ns house. Y/n sat down next to Nessa nd talked about the baby with her.

"Y/n, are you ok?" Nessa asked giving her a sympathetic worried look.

"Of course babe, why wouldn't i be?" Y/n replied to Nessa giving her  a big smile.

"Well you know, Celia just said she's been sleeping with Kairi and stuff" Nessa said looking down at her bump.

"Hun, he's been with me every second of the day since he asked me to be his girlfriend. And i know he doesn't like her, so i trust him" Y/n said still smiling.

"Ok good. Me and Mattia are going to leave now" Nessa said getting up and giving her a hug. 

"Thank you for everything" Nessa said whilst they were hugging.

"Of course" y/n said removing herself from they're hug and giving one to Mattia.

"We're gonna go too" Alejandro said getting up with Pule.

"Same here" Hector said getting up with Aliz. Everyone left and Y/n went upstairs and got changed before getting in bed. Kairi got in bed with her and hugged her.

"Hey, are you ok" Kairi asked her.

"No" Y/n said sniffling.

"What's wrong baby" Kairi said looking at her with a concerned face. 

"I wish she would just leave us alone" Y/n sobbed into Kairis chest.

"Same, It's ok. One day we'll get rid of her some how" Kairi said making Y/n giggle.

"I love you Y/n" Kairi said.

"I love you too Kairi" Y/n replied.

{Word count: 472}

A/n: cute. 8/10. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

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