Part 9

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H- "We're sort of.... dating" Y/n and Pule's face lit up. Not the reaction they were looking for.

Y/n- "Omg! Thats why you opened the door for her yesterday and thats why you were singing to her!Im so happy for you guys!"

P- "Same! I cant believe it!"

Hectors Pov:

Me and Aliz decided that we were going to pretend to be dating so that i can make Y/n jealous and to see if she can make Kairi jealous because we both have little crushes on them. When Y/n said she was happy for us my heart dropped into my stomach. It was so genuine as well. Maybe she'll change her mind?

Back to third person:

Y/n and Pule were both so happy for they're best friends. Once the school day was over Y/n got the bus and went home. She waited until 5 to tell Kairi about everything that happened today at lunch. Eventually the time came around and Kairi facetimed Y/n.

Incoming facetime from Kaiii <3

Awnser               Decline

K- "Hey how are you?"

Y/n- "Hey im really good, what about you?"

K- "Im good, What happened?"

Y/n- "Hector and Aliz told me and Pule that they're dating at lunch!!"

K- "Aww, They're gonna be so cute together!"

Y/n- "Ikr!"

They talked for hours and hours just like every other day about anything and everything. Until Y/n came out with something Kairi didn't expect at all.

Y/n- "Kairi I don't wanna just facetime"

Y/n- "Kairi. When can our friendship become public?"

K- "Soon just not right now."

Y/n- "Ok well its almost 12 so im going to go to sleep, night Kai"

K- "Night ily"

Y/n- "Ilyt byeee" and with that she ended the call and sighed. She threw herself on her bed and stared at her plain white ceiling. Y/n was starting to catch feelings for Kairi and she didn't know how much longer she could keep her friendship with Kairi from Hector and the girls. Y/n ended up falling asleep midway thinking about what life like with Kairi as her bsf in public would be like. They could actually go out together without having to go undercover or without lying to they're other best friends.

{Word count: 364}

A/n: Sorry I know this one's short but its the one that inspired the title so it had to be special! Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now