Part 41

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Y/n and Kairi walked into the party hand in hand walking around to see if any of there friends had arrived yet.

"Over there" Y/n yelled over the music pointing to Nessa and Mattia sitting down in a corner. Y/n and Kairi walked over to them and sat with them. They talked for a little while and Pule, Alejandro, Aliz and Hector arrived and sat with them. Mattia, Kairi and Alejandro went to go and get drinks while Aliz and Pule went to dance and Hector went to find a bathroom. Y/n and Nessa stayed at the table talking. Y/n was watching the boys as they were having a drink when she saw Cynthia come out of no where and spike Mattias drink.

"Holy shit" Y/n said as she stood up.

"Where are you going?" Nessa said as she also stood up, not wanting to be left alone.

"Cynthia just spiked Mattias drink, we have to stop this" Y/n said walking over to Mattia. Kairi saw Y/n walking towards them and smiled at her. Y/n walked past Kairi confusing him and grabbing Mattias drink out of his hand. Mattia frowned at her and looked at Nessa.

"What are you doing?" Mattia said looking at Kairis girlfriend frowning.

"Did you drink any of this?" Y/n asked looking at the glass in her hand.

"Well yeah" Mattia said looking at the boys who were also confused.

"Shit, we need to get out of here before it kicks in. Nessa take him to Kairis  car we're gong to my house" Y/n said. Nessa nodded and grabbed Mattias hand going to pull him out of the party but he stopped her.

"What are you doing we're not leaving yet" Mattia said still frowning at the 2 girls before felling dizzy. 

"Hurry and get him in the car, Ale go find Aliz, Pule and Hector" Y/n said. Alejandro nodded even though he was confused he still went to find his friends. Nessa took Mattia to Kairis car and Y/n and Kairi went with them. They sat in the car and waited for they're friends. At this point Mattia had passed out.

"Want to explain to me why you rushed Mattia into the car and why he's now passed out?" Kairi said looking at Y/n.

"I saw Cynthia spike his drink but didn't get there in time" Y/n said as she looked at Ale, Pule, Aliz and Hector walking out of the party and towards Kais car. Y/n rolled her window down and stuck her head out. 

"We're going to mine for a sleepover, y'all coming?" Y/n said looking at the four.

"Nah we're gonna go home but what happened to him" Alejandro said pointing at Mattia in the back.

"drugged" Y/n said before putting her head back into Kairis car. Kairi started driving and made his way to Y/ns. Once they arrived they all had to basically carry Mattia into her house and onto her sofa. Kairi, Nessa and Y/n spoke about the baby as they waited for Mattia to wake up knowing it would be soon. Soon enough Mattia lifted his head from Y/ns sofa and groaned. 

"I'll go get him some medicine" Kairi said as he got up from beside Y/n.

"Are you ok baby?" Nessa asked as she stroked Mattias forehead.

"Yeah I've just got a bad headache and I feel dizzy. Why are we at Y/ns house?" Mattia asked looking at Nessa.

"Y/n saw Cynthia spike your drink and asked if we wanted to sleepover so I said yes" Nessa replied smiling at him. Mattia looked over at Y/n and laughed making her frown.

"That's why you took my drink? I thought you were drunk" Mattia said still laughing. Kairi walked back into the living room with a glass of water and some medicine for Mattias head. 

"Here bro" Kairi said as Mattia sat up and Nessa helped him take it.

"Wait so how the hell did I get here" Mattia said frowning making Kairi laugh.

"Bro, it was such a struggle. We got you into my car when you were still awake but you were losing it. Then getting you from my car to that sofa was the worst, your so heavy and these 2 were struggling" Kairi said pointing at his girlfriend an his best friends girlfriend.

"I'm sorry" Mattia said chuckling.

"It's not your fault but you guys should really get some sleep" Y/n said looking at the pair on the sofa in front of her.

"Yeah" Mattia said smiling at Nessa. Y/n and Kairi got up from the sofa holding hands and left the living room.

"Good night" Y/n yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Good night" The pair shouted back. Kairi jumped onto Y/ns bed and waited as she got changed. Y/n jumped on her bed next to Kai before crawling onto his chest.

"Gn angel" Kairi muttered.

"Gn Kai" Y/n mubbled.

{Word count: 791}

A/n: Yuh yee its 04:53am when im writing this. Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

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