Part 7

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Lani slapped Y/n across her cheek turning it red. Y/n wasn't in the mood so she just walked to the nurses office to get some ice. Once she got some ice she sat down and put it to her now red cheek. Then Celia walked in. Great timing.

"Hey what happened to your face" Celia said while smiling at the girl in front of her who currently couldn't feel her cheek.

"Not that its any of your business but Lani slapped me because I called her a bitch" Y/n replied rolling her eyes.

"Well good, you deserved it" Y/n just rolled her eyes and left it there she really wasn't in the mood for another argument. So she got up and left. She went to the rest of her classes and finished school. She really wasn't in the mood so she decided to walk home again. Remembering that Kairi had 'good news' to tell her later on over they're daily facetime. Once she got home she got straight into her bed and had a nap. Y/n woke up to the sound of her ringtone.

Incoming facetime call from Kaiii <3

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Y/n- "Hey"(in a raspy voice)

K- "Did I wake you up?"

Y/n- "Yeah but its ok, anyway what's your good news!!"

K- "Oh yeah. My family's coming home today!"(Kairi's family know about Y/n and his friendship and they've been on a trip to Mexico for 3 weeks)

Y/n- "Omg! I can't wait to see Maiya and my second set of parents!"

K- "They can't wait to see you either. Anyway how was your day? Other than the fact that Lani hit you. Mattia told me about it he also told me he doesn't really like her that much apparently she's really bossy now they're together."

Y/n- "It was really weird actually"

K- "Why? Did something happen?"

Y/n- "Yeah, Hector and Aliz have been acting really weird since yesterday. First yesterday they sat on a bench together and had a serious conversation together. Then they have a sleepover together without me or Pule to 'talk' again. Then this morning Hector let me pay without a fight which was pretty nice. And then when we were on our way to school he sang talking to the moon to her while holding her hand. Which also meant she sat in the front?! I always sit in the front and Then he went to open her door for her!"

K- "Wow that was alot. Also is someone jealous?!"

Y/n- "No way! Hector's my best friend and nothing else and thats the way it will always be." Kairi smiled and looked down.

Y/n-"Hey! What are you smiling at!"


Y/n- "Oki doki" the pair stayed on facetime for hours laughing and even crying at one point. Kairi was on insta for a little while and he noticed Y/n was oddly quiet. So he went back onto the facetime and smiled at the girl asleep on the other side of the screen.

K- "Goodnight cutie" And he ended the call.

{Word count: 486}

A/n: Somethings about to happen. Can you guess what? Anyways have a good day/night :)

you know you love me 

xoxo - you'll never know <3

I don't wanna just facetime // Kairi CosentinoWhere stories live. Discover now