Part 13

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Y/n woke up to a pillow being thrown at her face and Hector's voice. She pretended to still be asleep in hope that he would leave but instead he just threw another pillow at her.

"Y/nnnn get up please. I have good news for you!" Hector said with excitement in his voice.

"Ugh go away Hector, let me sleep." Y/n said rolling to her other side so that Hector couldn't hit the pillow directly on her face anymore.

"Ok then I guess you don't wanna go see Kairi with me, Aliz and Pule." Hector said whilst smiling knowing this would get Y/n up.

"Wait what? We're going to see Kairi? He didn't mention it yesterday." Y/n said confused.

"Like I said I had good news, the good news was that the surprise has been cancelled and We're going to go and see Kairi , Mattia, Alejandro, Robert, Alvaro and Roshuan. We spoke to them this morning. We decided that we'd be friends with them and Kairi said you already wanted to?" Hector said sitting down on Y/n's floor next to her bed.

"Yeah. I can't wait. They're so fun and amazing. Well, Kairi is and if they're friends with him im going to assume they're similar." Y/n said smiling.

"Ok well get ready and hurry because the girls are waiting in the car" Hector said getting up and grabbing his phone from Y/n's desk.

"Ok i'll be 5 mins" Y/n said as Hector left her bedroom. She got up and brushed her teeth she go changed into a cute outfit and put her perfume on. She got her bag and put her shoes on. Before leaving the house Y/n said her goodbyes to her family and looked at herself one last time in the mirror. She smiled at her reflection and left out the front door. Y/n got in the back with Pule and they jammed to music all the way to Kairi's house where everyone was. Once they arrived Y/n got nervous. Not only because she was going to see Kairi but also because she wondered what the others were going to think. The 4 got out of the car and approached Kairis front door. Hector knocked on the door and took a step back looking back at Y/n and giving her a reassuring smile because he could see she was nervous. Moments later Kairi came to the front door and opened with a wide smile on his face. He grabbed Y/n and gave her the biggest hug making her blush before inviting the others in. As Y/n walked into Kairis room the room was full of the boys all around. Everyone was talking for a little while. Kairi and Y/n kept on making eye contact from across the room. Until Kairi texted Y/n.

K- "Hey, wanna get outta here? and go on a drive?"

Y/n- "Yeah sure :)"

And with that Kairi got up and stood up in front of Y/n and put his hand out for her to take to get up. Y/n took his hand and started walking out of his room. As they were walking out Mattia stopped them.

"Hey, where are you two love birds off to?" Mattia asked the two who's fingers were interlocked.

"Don't worry, we'll be back soon" Kairi replied smiling at the girl standing next to him. Kairi led the way from his bedroom all the way down his stairs, to the front door and from the front door to his car. Once they got to his car Kairi opened the car door for Y/n making her laugh. She got in and smiled as she watched Kairi walked from the passenger side to the drivers side. She was falling fir him more and more whether she liked it or not. Kairi got in and put his playlist on. 

{Word count: 625}

A/n: Shits about to get cute. Anyways have a good day/ night :)

you know you love me.

xoxo - you'll never know. mwah <3

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